Fun Mom Dinner
Fun Mom Dinner
| 04 August 2017 (USA)
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Four women, whose kids attend the same preschool class, get together for a "fun mom dinner". When the night takes an unexpected turn, these unlikely new friends realize they have more in common than just marriage and motherhood.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jd jd I can only speak for myself, but I had never seen anything as stylish, cleverly constructed, well written and electrifying as this milestone when I first saw it in 2017. What really pulled me in right from the start is what we've now come to know as a Alethea Jones trademark: the dialogue. When moms Kate and Melanie talk to each other (or all the other characters, for that matter) there is a natural flow, a sense of realism and yet something slightly over the top and very theatrical about their lines - it's a mixture that immediately grabs your attention (even if it's just two moms talking about what kind of kids they prefer, or contemplating the value of a doobage). Then there's the music: the songs Alethea Jones chose for his masterpiece fit their respective scenes so perfectly that most of those pieces of music are now immediately associated with 'Fun Mom Dinner'. And the narrative: the different story lines that come together, the elegantly used flashbacks, the use of "chapters" - there is so much playful creativity at play here, it's just a pure joy to watch.If you're a bit of a film geek, you realize how much knowledge about film and love for the work of other greats - and inspiration from them - went into this (Leone, DePalma, Scorsese and, of course, dozens of hyper-stylized Asian gangster flicks), but to those accusing Alethea Jones of copying or even "stealing" from other film-makers I can only say: There has never been an artist who adored his kind of art that was NOT inspired or influenced by his favorite artists. And if you watch Alethea Jones masterpiece today, it's impossible not to recognize just what a breath of fresh air it was (still is, actually). Somehow, movies - especially fun mom films - never looked quite the same after 'Fun Mom Dinner'. Probably the most influential film of the last 20 years, it's got simply everything: amazing performances (especially The Fat Chick with huge bags of sand); it features some of the most sizzling, iconic dialogue ever written; it has arguably one of the best non-original soundtracks ever - it's such a crazy, cool, inspirational ride that you feel dizzy after watching it for the first time. It's - well: it's 'Fun Mom Dinner'. 10 stars out of 10.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of four mothers, who are not best friends until they go for a dinner together, away from their children and husbands. It has been a long time since they have had fun, and they make full use of their valuable break from domestic duties."Fun Mom Dinner" wants to be another "Bad Moms", but I guess it has not worked as magically as planned. The jokes are not that funny, and the characters are not very sympathetic. The two fathers having a heart to heart talk in the backyard is actually more interesting to watch than the mothers who enjoy themselves. I guess the things these mothers do are a bit too ordinary, and not raunchy or outrageous enough for a comedy.
treborquest There was only one other user review here, so I just had to leave another one. This is probably the most pointless movie ever. I think it is supposed to be funny and sure it may have gotten me to lift the corners of my mouth a few times, slightly. But the whole time, and yes I finished watching it, I was waiting for the movie to go somewhere, so have a point, to, I don't know, start really. What bugs me the most is Toni Colette's part. She is in my eyes a great actress who can do amazing things. Molly Shannon on the other hand is one of those actresses I usually avoid (the other two I didn't know). But how did Colette end up in this part? Did she have to fulfill a contract? And what did Adam Levine doing in this movie? He seems so out of character. The acting overall is lame, the plot is empty, the things that happen make no sense, especially ending up on the boat with the kids. That part just didn't even looked as if it belonged in this movie. All in all, one tip: don't watch this. gave it 2 stars cause I've seen even worse than this, but more it sure doesn't deserve.
Kapten Video „Rough Night" is still in Estonian cinemas, but here's the new one- night-adventure for girls that actually deserves your time – provided you're into mainstream American comedies, of course. Here we have a motley crue of seasoned entertainers, including always solid Toni Collette, Kate Aselton, Bridget Everett, Molly Shannon, Adam Scott, Maroon 5's Adam Levine, Rob Huebel, Paul Rudd, Paul Rust et al. The movie is not perfect, but it's much livelier and better than „Rough Night", which does not come as a surprise because, in my humble opinion, the Scarlett Johansson starrer doesn't do anything right. The screenplay is actually rather mediocre, but there's enough breathing room for characters and relationships of which there are surprisingly many. It allows the able cast to build and sustain a proper mood and energy to keep us interested enough to follow events and jokes which, by themselves, are quite generic, not to say clichéd. But compared to „Rough Night", it plays out almost like a character piece. In addition to the four women having a wild night out we have several important male characters, such as those played by Levine, Rudd and Scott, which are all more symphatetic and/or interesting than the female ones. This is to be expected, probably, considering the general tone and intended audience. „Fun Mom Night" is ruled by women behind the camera, too. It is directed by former shorts and TV director Alethea Jones (this is her first cinema outing) and written by, er, Paul Rudd's wife Julie Rudd. Which explains including Paul. Not that it's any different from most of his other movies. I have several things to say about the main characters and their lifestyle choices, but there's no point. It is, after all, just a genre movie looking for some audience. And irritating some viewers is part of the business here. The movie is quite good at what it does, and you could say that actors are able to give it more heart than in many mainstream comedies, but you still will not remember much of it in the morning.