Moms' Night Out
Moms' Night Out
PG | 09 May 2014 (USA)
Moms' Night Out Trailers

Yearning for an evening without their kids, some friends plan a night out. But to do this, their husbands need to watch the kids. What can go wrong?

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
neilanderson-99526 I'm an Australian. I liked this movie as a fun, clean movie for couples and families. However it is a bit overdone sometimes with generalisations about men, women and church. Too many over the top hysterical emotional explosions from women. Too many incompetant irresponsible men doing dopey stuff. But still it is trying to portrait a wholistic hopeful message that embraces family and faith. The characters grew through their struggles and this is always nice to see.
Meddanny The title seems fun. I picked this movie because I wanted to laugh and relax. The first 10-15 minutes was nice, I did enjoy it. Then the story started getting more and more cliché!!! Additionally, way too much Christian religious preaching that killed this movie even more! I was in pain watching the 2nd half of the movie. I'm getting over a cold, however, after finishing this movie, I wanted to vomit... I give it 2 out of 10, besides the beginning, because I'm a spiritual person, but I don't like to get preached at again, again, and again. Sorry! It could be a fun movie with just one or two Christian religious preaching lines and less cliché. Thanks!
Luke Hartman I thoroughly enjoyed this lovely film. Mom's Night Out tells the story of a Christian family with three young children. The movie focuses in on the parent's (especially the mom's) difficulties with parenting. With such a boring-sounding scenario, this film is quite a surprise, with plenty of hilarious predicaments and characters. One of the most refreshing aspects of this movie is that it is a Christian film, but it doesn't feel like they're ramming the religious message down anyone's throats. In fact, the religious themes tend to stay in the background. The actors do a superb job, the writing is clever, and the relatable, real-life experiences these characters face will strike a chord with everyone. I do personally think this film goes downhill a bit in the middle section (the circumstances seem a bit unrealistic, and a few characters fall into stereotypes), but I honestly can't complain too much. I would highly recommend this movie to just about anyone, especially families with kids.
Emmaline Rurik This is supposed to be a 'Christian' movie, yet it degrades man and woman, the concept of marriage and parenthood. The full grown men are complete wimps playing video games and afraid of their own children and the women are work-o-holics who are barely able to survive under the stress of a miserable life. Watching this movie disgusted the thought of marriage and I'd rather be dead than have this as my destiny. It displayed men as pathetic and motherhood as awful. The sad thing in society is that the men actually are not stepping up to the plate and that the women are normally total feminists doing both the man's job and the woman's. Traditional marriage is under attack and this is a sour joke of it. It was too relatable. We should be striving to what is traditional and good, not making a mockery of it. (sure the mom's were hard workers, but being a stay-at-home mom shouldn't be absolute hell, it should be a normal and wonderful thing.)The focus too, should be on men being MEN, not boys. (aren't they supposed to be the leaders? Why are the women doing everything? Why is their lives awful?) Poor portrayal of what should be good. Some parts were funny, but it overall was sad.