April's Shower
April's Shower
| 15 October 2003 (USA)
April's Shower Trailers

April's Shower begins with a group of people gathered for a wedding shower for April. At first, it seems to be a normal gathering for such an occasion but, as time goes on, secrets and stories begin to be revealed. Alex is a chef and a maid of honor at April's wedding. She ultimately reveals her true feelings which ends up taking an effect on everybody at the shower.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
jackiesshrink Pleasantly surprised! I thought this was going to be another soggy, predictable, boring lesbian coming out and romance movie. This movie was poignant and hilarious, with many plot twists and memorable lines. It was not entirely light-hearted. One of the characters is the mother of a baby who has died, for example. Including this subplot sent the message that even someone who has suffered such a tragedy is still an ordinary person who is part of life and able to experience laughter and love. The love story at the center of the film was passionate, imperfect and deep. Above all, the movie was polymorphously sexy. One particularly charming quality that this movie possesses is the portrayal of romantic love between two people in the midst of a loving community of friends, all of whom are having their own struggles of the heart. It hit the some of the same postmodern romantic lesbian comedy notes as "Kissing Jessica Stein." I appreciated the fact that many of the characters were clearly meant to be Italian-American (this was evident to me even before they were "outed" as Italian in the film), with references to Catholicism and pizza and construction without descending into flat stereotypes, kind of like the way Jessica Stein's Jewishness was treated in that movie. Lizzie-20 needs to lighten up and look up "camp" in the dictionary.
heatherjg86-1 OK granted this isn't the best movie in the world but it left me with a smile on my face. Some of the characters wouldn't be out of place in a pantomime and it made up group of stereotypes that weren't necessary for the major plot but the comic effect was well worth it. The best character in my opinion has got to be the mother, to go from proud, to devastated, to accepting and to happy all in the space of an hour (if only real life was so easy!). The only down side I can mention is the convoluted firemen having to save the day, There really was no need for them in this scenario but they were played to be idiots so....If your looking for a light-hearted romance tale then this is well worth the watch.
PsyDtoBe I enjoyed the movie. I'll just say that from the start. As other reviewers have stated, it is a bit convoluted and some of the acting was scary bad. (the character of Kelly and the Spanish dancer come to mind). April's mother certainly took the express-lane to attitude change. I can think of better lesbian-themed comedies. "Imagine Me & You", "Chutney Popcorn", & "It's in the Water" come immediately to mind. However, I've also seen far worse ones and I will say that even though I bought it blind, I don't feel that I wasted my $5 or that it'll be taking up space on my shelf w/o reason. I'll likely watch it over now and again. Expect roughly 98 minutes of entertainment and you'll not be disappointed. Expect striking social commentary or high art and you will. Try not to wince at the bad acting, they're at least the exception.
kattue Trish Doolan has made an awesome, romantic Comedy about people, with all their insecurities, and love.This movie isn't like some other lesbian-themed movies, it is excellent made, the actors are real good and the storyline isn't gloomy or self-destructive, but fast-paced and hilarious. But that is probably because this movie is about people, not just lesbians.She plays Alex, a chef, preparing the perfect shower for her former roommate April. It all starts with a happy couple and some guests, who could be more different. Revealing that she and April had not only been roommates but lovers is the beginning of a chaos, that lets all people at the shower re-examine their own lives. In the end we have a burning house, a happy couple and this sensation of a real Feel-Good-Movie.