Desert Hearts
Desert Hearts
| 01 October 1985 (USA)
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While waiting for her divorce papers, a repressed literature professor finds herself unexpectedly attracted by a carefree, spirited young woman named Cay.

Wordiezett So much average
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
RupertPupkin98 Great performances from Helen Shaver and newcomer Patricia Charbonneau. The movie is ahead of its time. What ever happened to Charbonneau? Fantastic actress!
gavin6942 It is 1950s Nevada, and Professor Vivian Bell arrives to get a divorce. She's unsatisfied with her marriage, and feels out of place at the ranch she stays on, she finds herself increasingly drawn to Cay Rivers, an open and self-assured lesbian, and the ranch owner's daughter."Desert Hearts" is notable for being the first film to depict a lesbian relationship where both characters enjoy a satisfactory ending, in contrast to previously released films such as "Personal Best" that focus less on the relationship of the main characters, and where one returns to a relationship with a man.The history of gay and lesbian film themes is interesting in how it shifts over time, and I have to wonder if the representations are in any way accurate. Does this film show the 1950s or simply how the 1980s saw the 1950s? How interesting that until this point, any lesbian romance was doomed. Today (2016) we have lesbian themes on film that are not doomed or successful, but just exist as a matter of fact.
katherineryanmol This is awesome. Quite agree. I've heard and read so much about this film over the years,but never have a chance to watch the film.Lesbians always consider that this movie is the most classic one. Just look at cay's expression and motion,you would soon get that how much she loves this woman. If it needs,she would lay down her life for Vivian. Quite moving~.~ To tell the truth,this is the best lesbian-themed movie that I've ever seen.Though I've seen BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE~THE L forth,no one could make me lose in thought for such a long time.If the lesbian love is just as the movie pictured,what's so wrong to be a lesbian anyhow?
Kelly (hisown) Before Ellen, kd lang, and Chastity Bono came out, there was this Lesbian genre classic, and classily done, I might add. The storyline was unique to movies at the time it was filmed, but the story is not. Anyone who has been in love with a supposed "straight" person, knows how real this movie can seem. The flirtation, the backing away, the come-hither looks, and finally the conquest all will bring back good (and painful) memories. In my opinion, the lesbian love scene between the two female leads is still the best yet on film - it sizzles without being too graphic. I'm giving it only an 8 because the acting is a little stilted at times (mostly from the star Patricia Charbonneau and her former on-screen love interest Dean Butler). If you can overlook that, and see the movie for what it was (lesbian/gay history) and what it is today (a great love story), you will enjoy it. The clothes, music, sets, (and the hair-dos!) are great and correct for the period. Sit back, enjoy, and make sure your girlfriend is watching with you!