Nina's Heavenly Delights
Nina's Heavenly Delights
| 28 September 2006 (USA)
Nina's Heavenly Delights Trailers

A feisty young woman returns to Glasgow to run her deceased father's curry house.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
elinor rigby This film was at the International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival in Turin, and it was a real pleasure to see it and to meet the film-maker afterward. Parmar is a well known documentarist, and she brought in this feature film the richness of her past experience. It's a fresh, delicate comedy, with very sensuous details about food. But what I appreciated most it's the multicultural view, the idea of multi-layered identities (Indian-Scottish, Indian-Lesbian, etc...). It makes you feel it's possible to combine successfully the ingredients of your personality, like in a good recipe, instead of having them at war with each other. The actress who plays Nina's mother is wonderful. I'd like to see her more on the screen.
punchiauntie Okay - the film is not some earth shattering piece of cinema, but I'm sure that was not the intention of the director. She has made a very gentle love story come to life without huge trauma. As a big cinema fan, I know it's not on a par with other slick films, but again, this doesn't appear to be the director's intention. I think it was brave to make a film that didn't fall into making stereotypes of Asians or gays (although a queer man doing drag is old hat) and the choice of very attractive leading ladies doesn't hurt either. Regarding the accents, there were four that wobbled for me. That of Nina's and her mother's, Sanjay and his father's, but that doesn't make it a bad film. They've done a darn sight better than us mortals could have done. So more power to your elbow Ms Parmar.
goldie8 Love this movie,just saw it at our Gay & Lesbian Film Festival here in Wellington.Love the story and it is a movie that should go to general release.Music good,Story awesome and I really don't think people can get offended by the story line.It is just a great love story. I would have like to got more of the recipes,they were wonderful. Managed to get the DVD from England so will be playing every night.Soundtrack is wonderful as well,so will be keeping the eye out for that. Thank you for finally getting the film to the screen.Only took the director 5 years to get someone to fund it.unbelievable.Keep up the good work and looking for more. Chris
spindoctor-2 Loved it! I hope the upbeat feel of the film will attract audiences away from so much of the downer energy out there. People can get so jaded and cynical about feel-good fairy-tale romances. The story-line was fantastically unraveled and handled. This was a refreshing change.Its a film that represents many people's lives (family, culture, sex and religion). So many films that deal with gay culture build on a huge foundation of shame. This kind of film helps ethnic minorities feel more comfortable about their sexuality. Its pioneering films like this that turn the concept of shame-about-sexuality, upside down. Easily on par with Bend It Like Beckham, yet so different from other East/West films. Cooking and food theme was wonderful - very cleverly done. It did capture the Bollywood escapism and the feel good factor. And the acting was superb! Really enjoyed Suman. And our family belted out singing along to the soundtrack which we are looking forward to buying.