Kissing Jessica Stein
Kissing Jessica Stein
R | 13 March 2002 (USA)
Kissing Jessica Stein Trailers

Jessica, a Jewish copy editor living and working in New York City, is plagued by failed blind dates with men, and decides to answer a newspaper's personal advertisement. The advertisement has been placed by 'lesbian-curious' Helen Cooper, a thirtysomething art gallerist.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Micransix Crappy film
Irishchatter I wouldn't care if it was either but I thought the ending was just so stupid because Jessica and Helen were meant for each other. I mean, this story was meant to be based on a young Jewish woman trying to find herself who she truly is. I thought Helen was a great example for being with her because she had ticked all the boxes and just someone you can easily look up to. I thought it was a big mistake that she had to dump Jessica just because they were lacking having sex which is stupid for the writers to just break the characters apart.I don't know why they added in Josh into this, he's like a stalker and a pervert who just wants to use Jessica just because she is beautiful! Seriously, I have never seen a movie turn out bad in the end in my life!
sgtGiggsy (It's a pretty long title though)I start with the most important part. This movie is boring. I wouldn't really call it romantic, much less a comedy. The story is basically about a careerist woman, who's looking for the perfect man, but meet only assholes, and finally in one of her weakest moments she answers of a woman's advert. Then of course they miraculously get together (calm down, it's the basic plot, not spoiler), and the movie goes from boring to even more boring. Actually the biggest problem with the movie isn't the plot, that's rather a cliché (I mean if we put apart the lesbian love thing) but we don't expect real deepness of a romantic comedy. The biggest problem is the main character, Jessica herself. She literally doesn't have anything interesting about her. She's good looking, but she's neither nice, nor witty, and not even socially awkward enough to be funny. I would call here average, but luckily I don't know any women who is as boring, annoying and self centered in the same time as her. The other main character, Helen is way much better. She's full of life, adventurous, and always searching for the bright side in everything. She's exactly the type of women you'd happily have as either a girlfriend, or as a friend. While I was watching the movie I wondered the whole time, what on the Earth does she sees in Jessica. Because even though it should be a romantic movie, we can't really see what causes the attraction between them, they are just put together without any explanation. There isn't real chemistry between them, they just meet, then after five minutes (of movie, by the plot it's a little longer time, maybe few hours) BANG they are in love. After they got together, the comedy is got even less part, than in the beginning, and the movie shifts to some drama, but since Jessica is almost unlikeable, it's really hard to feel her struggle with her feelings, and family and stuff. At least she would show some character development during the movie, but she stays the same obnoxious careerist as she was in the beginning. The movie has one more interesting character besides Helen, Josh, who is Jessica's boss. A burnt-out ex-writer who acts like an asshole, but it's clear from the beginning that's more behind his misanthropism. The funniest moments of the movie mostly consist him, since he honestly says what he thinks. His analysis about Jessica in the twentieth minute of the movie stays true the whole time.I'm sure the only thing that causes it to have such a high rating, is because it's not a straight love story, subsequently some people rate the idea behind it, not the finished product. And that's a mistake. There is a need for movies with this theme, but not movies that are presented so poorly as this is. Believe me if Helen was a guy, it would be rated at 5 points tops, and that would be its real value.Either looking for a comedy, a heart touching love story, or a deep drama with good characters in the center, this movie is not for you. But if you enjoy to watch the struggle of a self centered women, who has everything, yet acts like her life was as hard as a Siberian shepard's, then this is your best choice.
moviefanxoxo I thought it was really good but I have to say that the ending really disappointed me. I would of liked it to go a different way to be honest. Although up until the ending It was really funny, and I loved it. the main character seemed a bit stiff and boring it was like she didn't know how to live. Well saying that I did like the main character just thought she took a bit of a long time to come out of her shell, too long! Other than that I think the actors were really great and the plot was good and so was the layout of the film. I just wish it would of given a way better ending as I am a strong believer in true love and all that wacky stuff.
evanston_dad This charming, lightweight comedy about sexual orientation and experimentation stars the adorable, funny Jennifer Westfeldt as a good Jewish girl who decides that maybe the whole heterosexual dating thing isn't working for her, so she's going to play for the other team for a while. She begins a timid "romance" with a girl in much the same boat, with the exception that Westfeldt never really takes to lesbianism and the other girl does. Though the lesson she learns -- the problem in connecting with men lies in her own inability to sustain an intimate connection with another human being, not in any hidden homosexual tendencies -- is obvious, it's well told, and the director manages to keep the film from seeming glib or trendy. Westfeldt is a lovable actress, and she navigates the iffy terrain between cute and annoying very well.Grade: B+