American Pimp
American Pimp
R | 09 June 2000 (USA)
American Pimp Trailers

Street pimps, all of them African-American, discuss their lives and work: getting started, being flamboyant, pimping in various U.S. cities, bringing a woman into their group, taking a woman from another pimp, and the rules and regulations of pimping. The men are clear: it's about money.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
sonya90028 I could barely sit though this film. Unfortunately, our society still glorifies male outlaws, which is what Pimps are. They may dress stylishly and drive expensive cars, but Pimps are still criminal dirt-bags. Virtually all of these Pimps in the film, are black. As a black female, I'm especially offended that black males, who have been oppressed in our society, turn around and exploit desperate women. These black pimps in the documentary, are no better than the white males that they rail against because of racism. Yes, racism still exists, and it has been very damaging to blacks, and other minorities. But racism shouldn't be an excuse, for these black Pimps to abuse, and live off of prostitutes. Pimps are a disgrace to the black community, and are horrible role models for black kids. Many women in society, especially women-of-color, become prostitutes as a way to support a drug-habit, escape poverty, or because they're fleeing terrible home lives. For a Pimp to take advantage of women in these situations, is utterly abominable. These Pimps have no scruples whatsoever, and don't deserve to be glorified in the media. This film has no redeeming qualities, and I don't recommend it.
jotix100 You have to hand it to Albert and Allan Hughes, two fearless film makers, that take us along to see how the other half live. The world of the pimp, in this case, American pimps, is something no one had dared to explore up to now. Whether it's worth your while to take a look, or not, is ultimately, up to the viewer.We are presented several men who make a living out of women. These men that are showcased in the documentary appear to be well adjusted to their status. They are all successful in what they do, otherwise, one can't explain how they have stayed around for such a long time. Their stories, which obviously are spontaneous, tend to bore us eventually. After all, how many times can one hear them repeat themselves again and again using the same derogatory tones for the women they exploit. What the Hughes didn't show is the other side of the coin: how these women exploited by their pimps. They only present a few prostitutes who appear to appreciate the role of this element in their lives. The directors also tend to glorify, in a way, the sleekness of the pimps' style, which tend to make them dress in outrageous costumes that only them can wear in our society.The film is an eye opener about an underclass we know little, or nothing about. One can only hope they will not be role models for others to follow in their footsteps.
nivek_nailgun I could only sit through about fifteen minutes of this and here's why: It seemed to me (although correct me if I'm wrong please) that they were showing black pimps only. The box cover gives such an impression also. Are we supposed to believe that being a pimp is cool or something to look up to? These people are gutter filth who live and prey off of others. I don't rate them much higher than child pornographers. I couldn't help but get the feeling that they were aiming to make it seem to be a 'cool' part of black culture. Weird what people look up to nowadays. I've only one question to anyone who thinks in this way: How cool would it be if it was your mother being whored out? All this aside I was drawn to watch the film because I thought we'd get a look at this particular section of life's underbelly. The 'cool' factor was overwhelming me to the point of annoyance and unrealism so I had to switch the channel. From what I saw....not recommended.
charlie-paris I saw this last night and was surprised at how much I liked it. I have my own opinions about whether prostitution or pimping is wrong, but this documentary helped me understand why pimps pimp. Obviously there is something about pimping that keeps them in the game - money, sex, power etc. I never saw it from their perspective before. The interviewers did an amazing job of getting these guys to talk openly about what they do. I also enjoyed the colourful personalities some of the pimps have.