Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
PG-13 | 08 July 1985 (USA)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Trailers

Mad Max becomes a pawn in a decadent oasis of a technological society, and when exiled, becomes the deliverer of a colony of children.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
adonis98-743-186503 After being exiled from the most advanced town in post apocalyptic Australia, a drifter travels with a group of abandoned children to rebel against the town's queen. I think 'Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome' gets alot of hate for truly nothing. It actually showcases the human side of Max (something that Fury Road completely forgot) plus alot of other movies did the post apocalyptic thing with children and the scene where the kids cut Max's hair reminded me a similar scene from Logan. Sure it's slower than the first 2 but it's still entertaining, the soundtrack is terrific and Turner did a decent job too. (8.5/10)
Rosebud815 Beyond Thunderdome is the most expansive and broad Mad Max film. It goes from a cut-throat capitalist society to a far-off place where one group has no knowledge of the complete obliteration of civilization. Also, Beyond Thunderdome has different action scenes than just chases (i.e. the Thunderdome where two men enter and only one man can leave). And yet again, another insane chase scene exists at the end, this time between Entity (Tina Turner) and Max (Mel Gibson). However, Beyond Thunderdome has the least amount of action than any Mad Max. It's action is intense, but contained until necessary for the plot. Therefore, the action enhances the plot rather than being the central focus. This is unique for Mad Max. Beyond Thunderdome is the most layered of any Mad Max story, while retaining the crazy action and insane post-apocalyptic characters and environments. While it is such a different Mad Max movie, it continues the story of a man who has nothing left inside but anger and an instinct to survive.
chaos-rampant This will be silly and disjointed for those who found the second mean and rampaging. Spielberg had intervened, there's a kid friendly dash of Indiana Jones, some Lone Ranger. But from Mad Max I come away with two things, the edges of world we discover and the chase. I don't take to the Bartertown portion of the film, it may be closer to Road Warrior in spirit but all I see here is rushed spectacle for a boorish audience, contraptions. We do see a bit more of the Max world in this place but not in any way I care for. It feels like this part was bolted on when they decided to turn a separate script into a Max movie.No, I'm oddly captivated by the Lord of the Flies portion. I see glimmers of magic in the way the narrative of something that crashed from the skies one day has been preserved in the minds of kids, the way it's revealed through a screen that frames remnants of half- remembered story, the chorus of awestruck kids for whom all of this has profound meaning.It does open up a window to a whole swathe of Max world but this time with deep feeling, as myth the kids have vowed to keep in memory and bide their time for. Sure, we are in Goonies territory and again in the end with the city, but there's hushed yearning here, an almost Biblical kind.The rest is in the chase, a train this time, briefer than usual and over before it really exhilarates, as if more by obligation than keenness for it. They would eventually build a whole other film around it, extending it to an entire circus around the rig, but that would have to wait for 30 years.
WakenPayne I've seen all the Mad Max movies and so far, aside from the first one this is the second worst besides the first one. There's nothing in particular that's wrong with this one but I just really prefer The Road Warrior and Fury Road. Basically the plot is simple, someone manages to steal Max's ride and go to a town with it so he has to go get his stuff back. However halfway through doing what the leader of the town (Tina Turner) he decides to leave but that ends up with him walking through a desert which at the last minute gets him to a civilization that believes that Max can lead them to their paradise, 1980's Sydney. However he decides the way to do this after he is reluctantly dragged along is to steal vehicles and other odds and ends necessary from the town and gain numbers from their prisoners. However them doing this means everyone and their brother is out to get them. The movie is stock Mad Max. Basically that's a problem because there is nothing in it as spectacular to look at as the stunts in Fury Road or The Road Warrior, It's just Max walks in this movie like a cowboy, then leaves in the sunset. There are good things like the cinematography, the stunts and the actors are good for the most part. It just has good elements but never goes above and beyond.