Bad Taste
Bad Taste
NR | 21 June 1989 (USA)
Bad Taste Trailers

A team from the intergalactic fast food chain Crumb's Crunchy Delights descends on Earth, planning to make human flesh the newest taste sensation. After they wipe out the New Zealand town Kaihoro, the country’s Astro-Investigation and Defense Service (AIaDS) is called in to deal with the problem. Things are complicated due to Giles, an aid worker who comes to Kaihoro the same day to collect change from the residents. He is captured by the aliens, and AIaDS stages a rescue mission that quickly becomes an all-out assault on the aliens’ headquarters.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Fella_shibby I first saw this in the late 80s on a VHS which i bought. This is a movie which shud be definitely seen with a bunch of friends. The first time itself I found it to b hilarious. The gore is so over-the-top that you can't help but find it hilarious. The film doesn't try to take itself serious in any way. Watch out the scene where Derek, who keeps his head from falling apart with a belt. The cheesy effects are sometimes nauseating and disgusting, but always hilarious and never even nearly shocking or disturbing. Also the famous disgusting vomit-eating scene. Made on a very limited budget, Jackson delivers a hilarious and memorably outlandish outing. It proves that there is no limits to low budget filmmaking when you're as good as Peter Jackson. The filming locations, such as the cliff side, are all of outstanding natural beauty. Some awesome cinematography. The action is very good compared to the budget n the era. The sheep scene man. Definitely not for the week stomach. Do check out Jackson's Braindead.
shangra86 This picture is about murderous alien zombies, headed by the unspeakable Lord Crumb, who invade Earth, intent on subjugating humanity for use on the menus of their intergalactic fast-food franchise. And it's also about the anti-alien SWAT squad battling them: four rambunctious New Zealanders who eventually seem little better than murderous psychopaths themselves.It's a personal film to the max. Jackson wrote, produced and directed "Bad Taste" as well as editing it, doing the makeup and playing two roles, a demented commando and a crazed zombie alien. (At one point, through camera magic, the two Jacksons battle each other on a steep mountainside.) As Derek the commando, Jackson suggests that, had he continued acting, he might well have become New Zealand's Rick Moranis. (Fortunately, he didn't). As a movie maker, he proves that he was a natural from the first moment he pointed his camera at a band of fear-addled humans or bloodthirsty ghouls."Bad Taste" must be one of the most accurate titles in cinematic history. This movie is intended to make part of the audience reel and another part scream--though it's bad taste done, obviously, with a wink.Most of the movie is a series of wild chases, terrifying fist fights, nauseating sight gags and bizarre gun battles, studded with gore and homages to "Night of the Living Dead," "Evil Dead" and "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre." But throughout, despite the budget, it's staged and shot with deep-focus bravura and brilliance, non-stop verve and relentless energy.Like "Dead Alive," "Bad Taste" means to scare us and make us laugh, go past all our defenses. You're probably shockproof if you aren't offended by the grislier moments of "Bad Taste"--like the scene where Derek, woozy from his zombie battles, peels back his own skull and sticks in some mashed brains he finds on the ground. But, if you aren't entertained, you've probably never seen a horror movie.
David Gough Holy cow this movie was fun to watch, I've seen a lot of movies in my time and this one was one of the best if not the best low budget independent movies I've seen. Peter Jackson has made the best movie he could with the budget and all the other restraints, its actually inspiring to me as a small time film maker and I wish I had watched it when I was a teenager, I was put off by the freaky cover and R rating even though I was watching films like that a lot back then, but was really worth checking it out. Getting really into Jacksons earlier films at the moment, this one is my favorite.All in all ide say you really need a strong stomach to watch this(even stronger for 'braindead' AKA 'dead alive') and its very funny too, every drop of blood there's a laugh. check it out.
PassPopcorn I sometimes jokingly remark how Peter Jackson's career was perfect until he directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's hard to imagine that this director, who now specializes in big budget Hollywood movies, started off by creating twisted and gory low budget movies – his directorial debut, Bad Taste, being the prime example of this early, strange phase. Bad Taste was by no means an easy experience for Jackson, since the filming took 4 years. However, the hard work paid off and Bad Taste can be used as a valuable lesson in "do-it-yourself: low budget film making". It's amazing how, in spite of rather limited resources, Jackson managed to make it all work and look good – he created the masks and firearm replicas for the movie himself. He even constructed his own counterweighted steady-cam. Bad Taste is a definite must see for every aspiring movie maker, if only for Peter Jackson's creativity.The movie follows 4 agents (called 'The Boys') of some sort of secret service, who investigate alien activity in a small town. Apparently, the aliens have killed the whole population and replaced it. Things become more complicated when the aliens kidnap a charity collector passing through, and it's up to The Boys to save him, by using any means necessary. As you can see, Bad Taste's plot is fairly simple, there isn't much "story" to it – the movie is mainly action and dialogue driven. Due to this fact, the movie gets boring from time to time and I find it to be the worst from Peter Jackson's early phase. I also find it to be the least funny one. While there are quite a few amusing scenes, it doesn't even come close to other early classics like Braindead and Meet the Feebles. But at least there is enough violence and gore in it to make it interesting. The movie does get pretty graphic. Did you first notice the guy missing the top of his head or the Peter Jackson cameo?The effects in the movie (influenced by the cult special effects artist Tom Savini) are surely its best quality. You'll see heads exploding, limbs being torn off and even some chainsaw action. The scene which impressed me the most was the one where a character, played by Peter Jackson, fights with another character – also played by Peter Jackson. Actually, if you're not informed prior to the watching of movie, you may not notice he plays two different characters since they don't really look alike. Who knows – maybe Jackson has an acting talent waiting to be further developed? Speaking of acting, the actors did an OK job for this kind of movie, no one is laughably bad. On a side note, I think it's important to remark that all of the dialogue was dubbed in post production; that, however, isn't much of a bother since it isn't very apparent.While I wasn't really keen on Bad Taste (like I said – I found it to be somewhat boring and I prefer other early Jackson works) I would definitely recommend it to everyone. It's a gory, funny trash/cult flick about some guys fighting off a bunch of butt shaped aliens, set to an 80s heavy metal soundtrack. Why wouldn't you watch it?Rating: 6/10 Read more at