The Curse
The Curse
R | 11 September 1987 (USA)
The Curse Trailers

Nathan Hayes is a religious man trying to hold onto his farm and keep his family in line. A real estate developer is trying to buy most of the farm property in the area, including Mr. Hayes family farm, in the hope that the Tennesse Valley Authority will choose the town for the site of a new dam and recreational area. The night of a terrible storm, an unidentified, glowing object crashes on the Hayes farm and with it comes a horrible curse for the Hayes family and the members of the community.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Smoreni Zmaj IMDb rating almost kept me away from this jewel. That would be a big mistake. First hour is mystery/drama with SF premise, and then in last 20 minutes it grows into good horror. In my opinion, few scenes with lousy effects should have been skipped and without them movie would be more convincing, but even this way this is the best Lovecraft adaptation I saw so far and one of the best movies in it's class, primarily because of excellent atmosphere it builds and succeeds to maintain on the level till the very end. This one definitely goes to my collection.7/10 (8,5/10 within the genre)
curiosarcana As a Lovecraft fan, and an eighty's horror fan, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Yes, it's sometimes a tad slow, and the effects are low budget by today's standards, but when the icky, nasty stuff does happen, it's gleefully gross and morbidly funny.The characters who suffer the most are the ones you WANT to see suffer, (well, most of them, anyway), right from the get-go. I love that; seeing mean, awful, stupid characters just having a horrible time. And they don't die quickly, oh no. They're embarrassed, injured, made to look really stupid and THEN killed.If you've ever wanted to see a giggling woman sew a sock onto her hand, this is your chance. Or a little girl pecked half to death by chickens, which she could've very easily just ran away from. Sure it's ridiculous, but it's fun to watch.To my mind this stands on the same ground as "Critters" or "Pet Cemetery Two". Its production values are low, the script is predictable, and the pace isn't great, but it is super fun to watch if you like that sort of thing.Plus, if you're familiar with Lovecraft's work, this is "The Colour Out Of Space", minus the color itself. To be fair, when this was made, doing credit to an indescribable, animated color would've been very expensive, and it was obvious that this was made on a shoe string.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) If anyone who is a total skeptic, then you ought to check out this movie. Wil Wheaton fresh from "Stand By Me", plays the son of an overly religious stepfather(Claude Akins, 1926-94) and brother who works on a farm. One night, a meteorite falls on a farm, while his wife has an affair with the farmhand. In the morning, they check it out. It happens to be not a meteorite, but something else. More sinister. Because when it landed, it dissolved into the ground. So when the farmer began to water and fertilize the crops, it's when the "curse" starts to take place. The produce became filled with worms, the cows and chickens get sick, and looking rancid. And the stepfather become oblivious to the fact that the curse is infected him and his family. Only the brother and sister escape the fate before it overcomes them. Since the mother was already the first victim of the curse, she has the opportunity to take out the unsuspecting developer who has been wanting to buy the land of her current husband. This movie is very absurd to say the least. A very moderate cast. The Wheaton team, and John Schneider did very well. Silly though. 2 out of 5 stars.
drpakmanrains I am 71 as I write this review, and have to admit to having an affinity for low budget sci-fi horror films since my early teens. Starting with "House of Wax" (1954), and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956), I have always been partial to stories where something strange is going on, often called the paranoid plot, and only the main character or hero believes it is not coincidence, but something dangerous or evil.This film, while just so-so in its execution and production values, fulfills the above criteria. Only Wil Wheaton and his sister Amy realize there is something wrong with the water after stuff from a meteor leaks into the ground. When people and animals begin to develop strange symptoms and behaviors, the others are either in denial or attribute it to false causes, such as punishment for sexual sins. There is a creepiness that I found riveting, despite the films many shortcomings. And the special effects, particularly during the first half, while slight, were gross and scary looking. I have always preferred "monsters" that look only a little off from normal people. The overdone collapse of the house near the end was ridiculous, and hurt the movie. Still, I enjoyed the slow buildup and, unlike many other reviewers, found the movie and the idea original and suspenseful. If you are expecting a work of art, stay away.Other Good "B" Low Budget films in this category are: "The Baby" (1973), "Population 436" (2008), Night of the Creeps (1986), "Pulse" (1988), and "Grandmother's House" (1988). I won't even try to list the bad movies in this category, since there are so many, and I can't remember the names of most of those I have seen. The 8 rating is only comparing the film to others in this category, not mainstream movies in general.