From Beyond
From Beyond
R | 24 October 1986 (USA)
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The Resonator, a powerful machine that can control the sixth sense, has killed its creator and sent his associate into an insane asylum. When a beautiful psychiatrist becomes determined to continue the experiment, she unwittingly opens the door to a hostile parallel universe.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Blazehgehg I want to like From Beyond. And I guess I kind of do. This adapts the H.P. Lovecraft short story of the same name, where scientists develop a machine that stimulates the human brain in such a way that we can see beyond the borders of our own reality and witness creatures that are normally invisible to human perception.It's a creative concept and stokes the fires of one's imagination to create all kinds of nasty creatures, something that the best of H.P. Lovecraft's works are known for. The movie, unfortunately, only really manages one or two really good monsters and a lot of hot pink strip club lighting. After the main creature's initial reveal, the movie actually turns ridiculous; but never outright humorous. Just kind of... dumb. And weird. Very, very weird.That's not to say it's lacking creativity. I think the final sequence will haunt my nightmares for a while, and that's saying something. But it's hard to be too invested in these characters when they are only defined by the nonsensical actions they make while drunk on "The Resonator." After a while I felt, I dunno, kind of bored by the whole thing. The handful of creature effects are fun and the movie isn't exactly slow, it's just the plot is a little thin. It's a lot of blood and slime, screaming, and even some sex, but just not a ton of substance. So I come away from this movie a bit conflicted. I didn't hate my time with From Beyond, but it's not exactly an automatic recommendation, either. It has good actors, a couple of weird monsters, but not much else. You could do worse than that, I suppose.
tomgillespie2002 In 1986, some of the gang behind Re-Animator (1985) reassembled to adapt another of H.P. Lovecraft's stories, From Beyond. While not on the same level of exquisite trashiness as Re-Animator, From Beyond has developed a similarly loyal cult fanbase, especially since previously cut scenes of gore and debauchery have been reinserted seamlessly back into the film. Director Stuart Gordon was back to helm the film, and does a very good job of once again extending Lovecraft's slender text into a feature length picture. Stars Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton will also be familiar, as will the presence of Brian Yuzna as producer.Dr. Edward Pretorius (Ted Soreal) and his assistant Crawford Tillinghast (Combs) have created the 'Resonator': A machine with the ability to significantly extend the pineal gland of anyone within range. The down side is that it also allows you to see into other dimensions inhabited by strange and deadly worm and jellyfish creatures. When turning it on for the first time, Pretorius gets his head bitten off and Tillinghast gets himself locked away in an asylum. Enter the sexy and shrewd psychiatrist Dr. Katherine McMichaels (Crampton), who is intrigued by Tillinghast's wild claims and persuades the head nurse to release him into her care. Returning to the Resonator, backed by detective Bubba Brownlee (Ken Foree), the three reactivate the device and are confronted by a mangled, sinister Dr. Pretorius.In uniting a group of horror icons, both in front of and behind the camera, this is a film that demands to be seen by any fan of the genre. It's also deliriously entertaining. I find that even some of my favourite trash movies send my attention wandering occasionally, but From Beyond had my full immersion for the duration. Both repulsive and hilarious in equal measure, it's a hoot from the off. The physical effects, all disgusting goo and blood, are wonderful, and even when some of monster effects prove laughably bad, it is fitting to the film's preposterous tone. The script is also witty and clever, and some of the best scenes are when the central trio simply bicker amongst themselves. The science is utter gibberish of course, but the film makes the wise choice of going with the momentum of its own nonsense. If that hasn't convinced you, then there's also a scene of a woman dressed in bondage gear fighting a giant worm.
MattBirk It's unfortunate, but From Beyond can't help but be compared to the superior Re-Animator. Both films are directed by Stuart Gordon, star the same two leads, and are influenced by Lovecraft, so it's hard not to make comparisons. While on paper they seem similar, the movies themselves are quite different in terms of quality, unfortunately. From Beyond seemed not to try hard enough to create some type of structure to keep the story afloat, whereas Re-Animator perfectly meshed the horror/comedy genres and created some fantastic scenes with sound structure. Basically, From Beyond felt too silly and campy for its own good, you can attribute that to both the direction and the acting. The slim and ick-factor are both here, but the typical charm and enjoyment factors aren't.The overall idea is creepy in itself (unknown dimensions), but the execution of the story seemed to be lacking. The opening moments reveal the protagonist, but then the following 80 minutes nothing really comes from it. The story seemed to go absolutely nowhere, and in fact I could hardly tell you what it was trying to accomplish. And, of course, there were all those sexual undertones, where they necessary to the story, who knows? Maybe I failed to grasps the film's overall message of sexual exploration and all that, but what was given was scarce and more importantly lame.Like I said, it's hard not to compare this film to the vastly superior Re-Animator. While the special effects here are fantastic (I love the 80s gore effects), they can't save From Beyond from being dull and joyless. Not a disastrous movie but the movie doesn't even close to reaching the heights of other 80s sci-fi classics.
bowmanblue Question 1: Have you seen eighties horror movies? Question 2: Do you LIKE eighties horror movies? If you can answer 'yes' to both questions, you should be in the right frame of mind to watch From Beyond.It's got gore, pre-CGI special effects, over-the-top acting and big hair. If you think you can sit through that, you really need to watch this film. It's about a scientist who only goes and creates a device that activates a dormant part of the human brain, allowing them to see into a parallel universe. Unfortunately, the creatures who live in that parallel universe don't really like us (and tend to bite heads off if they catch you). Add one cool cop and one sexy scientist and you have a recipe for plenty of sadomasochistic shenanigans.Ken (Dawn of the Dead 1979) Foree is on top form here and so are the monsters. The plot weaves and turns in various directions, leaving you wondering where it will go next. The only drawback I found was Jeffrey Combs, who plays the scientist. I found his acting to be a little too over-the-top for my liking. But, his eccentricities were easily overlooked when the monsters started biting.If you like cheesy horror and don't simply want wall-to-wall, serious CGI effects, then take a trip back to the eighties and.... Start the resonator!