Alyce Kills
Alyce Kills
NR | 24 May 2013 (USA)
Alyce Kills Trailers

After accidentally knocking her best friend off a roof, Alyce is haunted by guilt and delves into a brutal nightmare wonderland of sex, drugs and violence, her mind tearing itself apart… along with anyone else who gets in her way.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Matt_Layden I wasn't too impressed with this one. I felt that a lot of the cinematography was lacking for an effectively shot film for the viewer to enjoy. Too many dark sequences when characters were not properly lit. If done on purpose, it was a poor choice. The technical aspect of making the film is probably the biggest. Aside from the lighting, what about the sound mix? Why is it almost DEAD QUIET in the bar / club when a band is playing and there are dozens of people. Everything is the background is muted and THAT really took me out of it because it was obvious they wanted you to focus on the banal dialogue. The film sure takes awhile before it gets going, all I knew about the flick was that Alyce Kills....get it?. The reason for her descent into this madness was not justified to me. People might be more impressed with the first 3/4's of the film, but I rather enjoyed it when she gave in to the murderous impulses, as weak as they were. The scenes where she goes after people who've wronged her were the best parts. To me, the film took too long to get to the interesting parts. It drags. Gore factor? Not much here. It's mainly the "aftermath" we see lots of blood, but it doesn't really spill, it's just on the floor. A good sight gag that I enjoyed is when Vince went to call someone while hanging onto his guts, once he reached for the phone, his guts fell out. I feel like this film needed a bit more of that for me personally to enjoy it. I will say this though, it had a great ending. There were a few scenes that I thought were weird and definitely piqued my interest, all of which happen AFTER she has lost her mind. The war masturbation, Necrophilia boob touching and weird sex fight. These scenes are not the norm and when a film does something odd, it catches my attention. Unfortunately these scenes are not enough to save the film as a whole.
movieman_kev Drearily little film that becomes as schizophrenic in its pacing as the titular character does as the film drudges on to its insane yet somehow inevitable conclusion (the last 15 minutes or so are the only thing that I found marginally entertaining about this mess of a film) Trying way to hard to shoe-horn elements of "Alice in Wonderland" into a gritty tale of Alyse accidentally throwing her friend, Carol, off a high-rise apartment complex and then spiraling downward herself (figuratively) is daft as it is boring. I didn't feel to awful as it was a free Redbox rental, gut on the flip side it was a waste of a free movie that I could've used on something better.
marthastewartsmelons Alyce was an amazing treat for someone who has seen many films and is not easily surprised and I am very picky about movies especially horror films. What drew me to this movie in the first place was James Duvall because I absolutely love everything he is in from Donnie Darko to Greg Araki films Doom Generation and Nowhere. But who really shines in this film aside from James is Jade Dornfled as Alyce. She seamlessly goes from a sympathetic sweet friend to absolutely batshit nuts. The acting in this movie is very well done and the atmosphere is very dark and heavy but very enjoyable on a bizarre and at times disturbing level. This movie goes there where others are afraid to go and that is rare. The weaving of the Alice in wonderland story to the tale of this girl and her own journey "down the rabbit hole " is very clever at times and is always there while telling a new story with very disturbing sometimes even funny (Like American psycho funny) moments. I Absolutely loved this film and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys an amazing independent movie that could easily beat out what is in theaters these days.
kosmasp I'm not gonna compare this in terms of significance with a movie by Polanski or how good/bad it is side by side to it. But there is something in there that reminded me of that one particular movie. Better to aim high, than just copying anyone I guess. The movie of course will be repulsive too. It might not turn out the way you expect it too. As other reviewers have stated, it does change pace a few times. But in my estimation it does work quite nicely.Since I didn't read anything about the story before I watched this (as always), I was pleasantly surprised that the movie was not as simple as the cover would suggest (at least the German cover). The insanity that ensued is not without flaws and it is a bit explicit (in terms of violence), but for a low budget movie, this is really well made and acted