The Jacket
The Jacket
R | 04 March 2005 (USA)
The Jacket Trailers

A military veteran goes on a journey into the future, where he can foresee his death and is left with questions that could save his life and those he loves.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
peteroravecz-99823 I've watched this movie out of desperation, as I've found nothing better I haven't seen before.While it starts off boring, slowly it starts to get better, still fails to redeem itself. It was released in 2005, and I suspect it did not age well. There have been better thrillers about similar things - even before (like The Butterfly Effect or Frequency).The main problem is that this movie is not smart, the main character does nothing to change his own fate (which he inadvertently does just to make the movie more cliché), and does not even think about what is happening. I did not feel challenged to think, there were no surprises or brilliant ideas that the genre would demand.Adrien Brody does some very poor one-sided acting here and there, which I assume is fan service. The supporting actors are much more interesting, and deliver layered performances.The music, script and directing, meh, all mediocre. The special effects are not bad for the time, but they serve no real purpose.This could have been so much more if it dares to be philosophically challenging.
bloodchainsorgy I am always on the look-out for movies that deviate from the norm, something new and refreshing. In that department, this movie delivers perfectly. It is part of the time-travel genre but approaches it with a very unique story. A war veteran is unjustly accused of murder and sentenced to an insane asylum due to his lapses in memory and other planted evidence by the real killer. The theme of unjust treatment always gets me interested and engaged, rooting for the character. But despite his suffering, he is increasingly conflicted when he's stuffed in the morgue drawer where he goes on a liberating journey while inside. Is it all in his mind?Adrien Brody's smile was very heart-warming and Kiera Knightley's acting as an unstable, lonely girl was very well done indeed, complimented by her sexy voice.The two hours passed quickly and I found myself wanting to know more, though clearly the movie ended on a perfect note. Watch it!
begob Took a while to get into this. There's an unconvincing roadside scene at the start, then a couple of claustrophobic scenes I found hard to watch. So far, so grim.At about 25 mins Knightley comes in with a good performance, then the dog tags turn up, and the story begins to motor.In the end it's worth watching, though it's more a sense of relief than a feeling of the possibilities of life. Brody seems inconsistent, often cracking a big grin that should be impossible for someone with his character's difficulties, and swinging between meek withdrawal and steel eyed menace. Surprising to see Daniel Craig's performance.
lea-60 A film could not be better.But I was scanning the after-titles, and find it very BAD of the producers to NOT include Jack London, as holder of the original idea.You named the film after him. The Jacket". Adrian Brody got the name "Jack". But our good author from the beginning of the last Century, Jack London, and his novel "The Straightjacket" where a guy travelled in time, did NOT get any credit. That's unprofessional, really.....Anyway. Adrian, miss Scottish as me Knightley (I fell in love...) Kris Kristofferson, and all the rest grand players, a big thank you for being you and having your great talents developed./Lawrence