NR | 05 June 1936 (USA)
Fury Trailers

Joe, who owns a gas station along with his brothers and is about to marry Katherine, travels to the small town where she lives to visit her, but is wrongly mistaken for a wanted kidnapper and arrested.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
DKosty123 This is an effective film whose plot of mob rule got used often in Westerns. In this case, Fritz Lang, Director just arrived from Germany got his first assignment he got a Norman Krasna original story about lynch mobs and translated it very effectively to film.Joe Wilson (Spencer Tracy) gets mistakenly arrested on his way to marry Katherine Grant (Sylvia Sidney). While the sheriff takes very little evidence to tie Joe to a kidnapping and makes a huge error, the town takes rumors spread around town to making a augment to already establish Joe's guilt.The town proceeds to form a mob, intent on getting justice based on rumors. The sheriff calls the governor for National Guard support. His idiot assistant talks him out of sending it. Meanwhile the sheriff tries to hold off the mob.Katherine (Sylvia Sidney) went to meet her fiancé to get married. She finds out Joe has been mistakenly jailed as a kidnapper. She goes on the road to try and save him. She arrives too late with the jail on fire and when she sees Joe in the jail window, she faints. Tracy plays an angry man after he escapes from the fire. He wants to see the mob punished for trying to kill him. One thing that does not come off well, is the scene where Joe walks in on his 2 brothers, and they show almost no joy in knowing he is still alive.From this point there is a trial, and a lot of drama. It is well handled though I think if this happened today, there would be attempted murder charges against the mob, even though Joe is not dead. Tracy is a good guy in the beginning of this film, a bad guy after the fire, and finally wakes up at the end to become good again. It is one of Tracy's more interesting roles.
grantss Powerful examination of mob (in)justice.A man, Joe Wilson (played by Spencer Tracy), travels across state to meet his fiancé/girlfriend, Katherine (played by Sylvia Sidney). Along the way he is mistaken for a kidnapper, arrested and held in the local jail. The local townspeople, through gossip and stupidity, then take it upon themselves to punish him, burning down the jail, with him in it. However...The buildup to and execution of the lynching scene are brilliant. Famed director Fritz Lang builds the feeling of injustice and powerlessness on the part of the authorities and accused to do anything about it. By the time the scene occurs, the viewer's anger levels are sky-high. Very powerful storytelling by Lang.At this point the movie was a damning indictment on mob mentality. Politicians, shown pandering to the media and thinking about elections rather than the safety of their citizens, don't come off looking too good either. So far, so good - very true to life.However, the remainder of the movie, while still good, was not as convincing, focused or powerful. What follows feels a bit contrived, and even makes the victim into the villain. The ending was more about sentimentality than profundity and was a bit unsatisfying.Overall, a good movie, but could have been a masterpiece.
anthony-rigoni There is no other actor who can portray Joe Wilson like Spencer Tracy. This film is so powerful, so intriguing, and so wonderful, I've never seen any movie like it.Spencer Tracy stars as Joseph Wilson, an innocent man who was supposedly killed by a group of blood-thirsty vigilantes. Now, the tables have been turned because 22 members of the vigilantes are standing trial for Joseph Wilson's "death" and Joe is itching to get even with the same people who not only did him wrong, but also killed his beloved dog, Rainbow. Will Joe's conscious make him reveal to the members of the trial and the 22 defendants that he is alive or will he let his 22 "murderers" die? There is no other film that can depict a story about vigilantism gone wrong like Fury. Spencer Tracy and everyone else in the movie has put effort into their acting and the story is phenomenal. Also starring Sylvia Sidney as Katherine Grant, Walter Abel as the district attorney, Bruce Cabot as Kirby Dawson, Edward Ellis as the Sheriff, Walter Brennan as "Bugs" Meyers, Leila Bennett as Edna Hooper, Frank Albertson as Charlie, Helen Flint as Franchette, George Walcott as Tom, and Terry(the dog who played Toto in The Wizard of Oz) as Rainbow.
Claudio Carvalho The hard worker Joseph "Joe" Wilson (Spencer Tracy) and the teacher Katherine Grant (Sylvia Sidney) are in love with each other, but they do not have enough money to get married. Katherine gets a better job in Washington and together with Joe, they save money to get married one year later. Joe quits his job in the factory and uses his savings to buy a gas station, working with his brothers Charlie (Frank Albertson) and Tom (George Walcott). He makes enough money to get married with Katherine and buys a car. While driving with his dog Rainbow to meet his fiancée, Joe is stopped in Strand by the redneck Deputy "Bugs" Meyers (Walter Brennan) as suspect of kidnapping a boy in the Peabody Case. When they find peanuts in his pocket and a five-dollar bill in his pocket with the numeration of the money paid for ransom, Joe is arrested in jail for investigation."Bugs" Meyers makes a comment in the barbershop about the prisoner and sooner the gossip is spread in the little town. As a tale never loses in the telling, Joe is accused by the population of kidnapper and they try to invade the police station to lynch him. For political reason, Governor Burt (Howard Hickman) does not send the National Guard to help Sheriff Tad Hummel to protect Joe and the Police Station is burnt down by the vigilantes. Katherine witnesses the action and has a breakdown. Joe is presumed dead but out of the blue he appears at his brothers' apartment seeking justice. He had learnt that in accordance with the laws, Lynch Law is murder in the first degree and his brothers open a case against twenty-two dwellers of Strand. The prosecutor Mr. Adams accepts the case and Katherine Grant is the prime witness. Joe's revenge is set in motion. "Fury" tells the heartbreaking story of dehumanization of a good man and hard worker that believes in the justice and loves his country through the imprisonment and subsequent lynching by despicable people moved by gossip. Fritz Lang makes another excellent feature in his first American work, and I enjoyed the gossip sequence that ends in a brood of hens.The story is engaging with a great revenge of the bitter Joe. I would love to see the twenty-two defendants going to the gallows, but the moralist conclusion works perfectly in the story. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Fúria" ("Fury")