The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
R | 11 July 1990 (USA)
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane Trailers

To the Los Angeles elite, Ford Fairlane is known as "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll Detective." This loudmouthed ladies' man serves an exclusive rock star clientele, who depend on his keen eye and smug discretion. So when a heavy-metal musician dies mid-concert, Fairlane is on the case before the lights come up. But things turn shocking when radio personality Johnny Crunch hires Fairlane to find a missing groupie mere hours before he is electrocuted live on air.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
roddekker Favorite Movie Quote: "I'm so terrific, I even have my own toll-free number - 1-800-PERFECT" In his heyday Andrew Dice Clay may have been the only comic to ever sell-out Madison Square Gardens 2 nights in a row, but in his first starring vehicle, as Ford Fairlane, he just barely managed to squeak by with a 5-star rating from yours truly here.To be fair, I'm not particularly fond of the Andrew Dice Clay persona and on top of that the script for this film (which was clearly intended to be a showcase of snappy one-liners) was way too clumsy and crude to be fully appreciated by someone who hadn't already blindly sworn a solemn oath of allegiance and loyalty to this much-beloved comic.With something here to literally offend everyone, the leather-clad Clay swaggers and sneers and ultimately becomes the world's hippest detective, personified in the character of Ford Fairlane, who, for all of his apparent macho-man bragging, avoided real sexual encounters at all costs.As our story unfolds, Ford Fairlane soon finds himself (in between trading insults) hip-deep in the case-of-a-lifetime, where (during the course of this action-packed investigation) you can be sure that the women get slugged as often as the guys.While performing for a wild, cheering crowd at another sold-out rock concert, Bobby Black, the highly-regarded lead vocalist of the heavy metal band The Black Plague, suddenly collapses on stage and dies shortly into one of his most popular songs.Working closely with his loyal assistant, Jazz, Fairlane must now wade through a bizarre line-up of suspects, victims, and beautiful babes in order to uncover the true identity of Bobby Black's killer.As an intended feature highlight - To prove that he has even more talent in his baby finger than the rest of us do in our entire bodies - Andrew Dice Clay gets his ultimate moment of glory when he pushes a spineless, no-talent rocker out of the way in a recording studio, grabs up the microphone and shows us all just how a "real" rock'n'roller should sound.Believe me, it's a monumentally pathetic demonstration as Clay proves quite clearly to us all just how little talent he really had.
FlashCallahan Ford "Mr. Rock n' Roll Detective" Fairlane is experiencing problems, and it's not with the opposite sex.All his clients pay him with drum sticks, koala bears, food processors and bicycle shorts, but not money. Another one of them is that all his employers that want him to find a girl named Zuzu Petals, are killed soon after speaking with Ford....Ever since hearing about this film twenty three years ago, I knew what to expect, and I always knew I'd enjoy it for its absurdity. But here in the UK, it vanished when it bombed in the US.It's never been on TV, and I trawled for years to get the DVD, and after finally seeing it, I got exactly what I expected from Renny Harlingen, and the biggest producer of the era, Joel Silver.Its loud, flashy, full of sporadic characters and big bangs, and even bigger hair, and then there's the star.He's the heart and soul of the film, and you really have to take to him, because he just tiptoes on that thin line between endearing or risible. Luckily for me, and the rest of the world, the trailer emphasises this so much, that it's not really a trailer, rather more of a warm up.Plot wise, it's your standard gumshoe fare, missing girl, suspect characters, and special guest stars as the villains. But the supporting characters are just so brilliant, they elevate an average story into something a little bonkers.Jokes are old, predictable, but still funny, and its your typical late eighties, early nineties actioner, big dumb, but lots of fun.Would make a great double bill with Hudson Hawk.
Liam wuthrich i love the movie i watch it 20 times threw out the year i was growing up before digital cable became a icon on TV.i love ford fair lane only because he was play a detective in a comedy try to pay his debt to satiate just like and cop on the beat. i alway wondered if he would make a squeal and find another director to make another movie if he could make the time also the actor that played ford fair lane was one of a thousand male or female actor to play the role of good cop bad cop and up hold the law. getting to the point would ford fair lane be able to compete or star as a stand in on law and order s v unit to come and be able to follow a script like Benson and stabler and maybe investigate sex crimes or be there for new york finest and make a difference. anyway i don't remember to much about the movie but i no that close to the end just like new year eve ford fair lane blow es up a building because it was the type of seen they wore shooting for him. anyway i don't no if ford fair lane would go on law and order but maybe one day people will remember him for what he was like when he finish high school and went his own way and took get a job to pay bills and make a living like anybody else in and on this planet earth. also i would like to add i would like if it was possible to get ford fair lane auto graft and share cooking recipe and maybe ask him to be a friend on face-book or twitter.
MetalGeek "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" was supposed to be raunchy stand-up comic Andrew Dice Clay's launch pad into movie stardom, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your feelings about "Dice") by the time it was released his fifteen minutes of fame was about up, and the film crashed and burned. I will admit that I have never been a big "Dice-Man" fan, I've only ever been able to tolerate his stand-up routines in small doses, but oddly enough, I have always enjoyed this movie. It's big, loud, dumb, profane, and morally reprehensible -- so hey, what's not to like? Clay basically plays himself as the foul mouthed title character (leather jacket, cowboy boots, cigarettes and all), a Los Angeles based private detective who specializes in cases involving the music industry. As the movie opens a rock star by the name of "Johnny Black" (played by Vince Neil of Motley Crue) mysteriously dies onstage. In what he thinks is an unrelated case, Fairlane is hired by a local shock rock DJ (played by Gilbert Gottfried, channeling Howard Stern here) to locate a missing groupie named "Zuzu Petals," who as it turns out, knows more about the death of the rock singer than even she realizes. With his bubble-brained charge in tow, Fairlane spends the rest of the movie avoiding gunshots, explosions and a maniacal Australian hit man (played by Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund of all people, with a horrible Aussie accent) before he stumbles upon a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top of the music industry. "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" may not be a great movie, but it is a fun one. Some of Dice's one-liners are endlessly quotable ("Talking to Zuzu was like masturbating with a cheese grater - mildly entertaining but mostly painful." "So many a-holes, so few bullets!" "You're about ten seconds away from the most embarrassing moment of your life!"), and director Renny Harlin keeps the pace light and moving fast enough that you don't' have time to stop and think how ridiculous the whole thing is. Dice may not be much of an actor, but he gets fine support from Wayne Newton (!), Priscilla Presley, Lauren Holly, Ed O'Neill Jr., and a host of other background characters. "Ford Fairlane" could become a cult classic if only enough people give it a chance. Even if you're not a fan of the "Dice-Man," this flick is a fast, funny way to kill 90 minutes. Do it for the Koala Bear.
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