The Glimmer Man
The Glimmer Man
R | 04 October 1996 (USA)
The Glimmer Man Trailers

A former government operative renowned for his stealth, Jack Cole is now a Los Angeles police detective. When a series of horrible murders occurs in the metro area, Cole is assigned to the case, along with tough-talking fellow cop Jim Campbell. Although the two men clash, they gradually become effective partners as they uncover a conspiracy linked to the killings, which also involves terrorism and organized crime.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Python Hyena The Glimmer Man (1996): Dir: John Gray / Cast: Steven Seagal, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Michelle Johnson, Brian Cox, Stephen Tobolowsky: Pointless bag of trash that uses creative expressions of violence as entertainment. One particular gruesome scene regards someone's throat being slashed with a credit card. That is about the height of creativity in this piece of sh*t. Steven Seagal stars as a bead wearing Buddhist cop called the Glimmer Man, and Keenan Ivory Wayans is his partner. They investigate murders where victims are hung upside down in crucifix fashion. I guess posters are not a decent enough decorating tip. Seagal is relieved of his badge when his ex- wife and boyfriend are murdered. Wayans gets back together with him after he is nearly torched in his apartment. Director John Gray does his best but Seagal is embarrassing. He should take those beads door to door selling arts and crafts. He spends the whole film fighting with bad guys and inventing methods of killing people. Wayans, Michelle Johnson, and Brian Cox…well…forget them. Wayans is the standard unlikely partner that we have seen in countless other action films even though few are as stupid as this one. What this film needs is to be placed on a slab of concrete and bashed repeatedly with a sledge hammer. It is about as exciting as watching your neighbor's vacation slides. Score: 1 / 10
mariondowning-427-469344 Bad bad movie. Just another performance where Segal had to put in no effort other than flail around like a martial artist and Wayans was not funny (even though he is supposedly a comedian). This movie sounded like "The Last Boy Scout" (TLBS) when the character "Maynard" was mentioned (even more so when Wayans said it while sounding like his brother who was in TLBS). Except in TLBS the Wayan brother was a comic sidekick and the lead actor was sympathetic and funny unlike Segal's character in this who just seems to be fighting against everyone (even himself) for illogical reasons.Why does Segal's character always have to come from some eastern roots or be linked with some eastern philosophy (e.g. Buddhism in this case)? Doesn't make me believe he is the invincible fighter when seeing him un-co-ordinated and floundering around like someone in a "sumo costume" would move. His character always has their badge taken away by a yelling police officer and you know it's going to happen before it happens. NB. Steven Segal also had so much fake tan that he looked like a Halloween pumpkin. Watch at Halloween and you might enjoy seeing a pumpkin partially come to life.
Maziun The only reason this movie was made is probably to satisfy Seagal's huge ego . THE WHOLE MOVIE is basically a non stop marathon about how Seagal's character is awesome , tough , smart , handsome and bla bla bla bla . Someone here needs a therapy … Anyway , that's the biggest problem of the movie . I quickly became annoyed with all this Seagal worship that doesn't end until the ending credits appear.Even sticking to well liked by audiences formula of buddy cop movie isn't able to save the movie . Maybe because Wayans isn't one bit funny. "The Glimmer man" tries to have a dark atmosphere like "Se7en" , but fails . Not to mention that the whole movie feels low budget made –for – TV movie . In the end the movie makers tried desperately to impress the audience at least with violence , yet it comes out like a cheap shock. Story ? What story ? Action ? Typical unimpressive Seagal style.Avoid it . I give it 1/10.
david-sarkies Not really a very insightful movie that one can study for hours and think about a lot. Rather this is more of a typical Hollywood action movie. Cops are partnered in regards to opposing personalities (which I love because when done properly, especially in this movie, it creates a really relaxed atmosphere), cars blow up at the sightest touch, and the hero runs around killing heaps of people and blowing up heaps of buildings and the captain at the end says, "Cole, I owe you an apology." Cole (Steven Segal) is playing his usual ex-special forces come cop or something role. Almost the same role that he played in Under Siege and On Deadly Ground (and no doubt numerous other movies before and after). As is typical, Steven Segal will encounter a horde of bad guys and he will typically beat them all up single handedly, and then walk out of the room dusting himself off.The plot is interesting though. Segal is a cop that hunts down serial killers, but has a rather sordid past: not only is it somewhat unknown, his recent past in regards to tracking down serial killers is tainted for he shot one when on a roof of a building in New York and there were no witnesses. Now he is in Los Angeles and a serial killer is attacking again, but this time there some one is going around killing people and using the serial killer to cover his tracks. As one delves in deeper, one uncovers a plot involving the Russian mafia.Once again, as it typical of a Steven Segal movie, there is lots of action and lots of martial arts. That alone would have been quite boring; one sees cars and petrol tankers blowing up every time one turns on the television. What made this movie cool was the backchat between the partners.