Rage and Honor
Rage and Honor
PG-13 | 08 May 1992 (USA)
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Witnessing a drug deal involving local gang members and cops, an Australian police officer feels he can no longer be just an observer. He joins forces with a local teacher who just happens to be a karate expert and together they try to take back the streets.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Comeuppance Reviews Preston Michaels (Norton) is a cop from Australia who is in L.A. as an "observer". Unfortunately, he observes a murder involving corrupt cops in his precinct. This leads to the evil Conrad Drago (Thompson) and his assistant Rita (Treas), the most dastardly drug runners in town. You know Conrad Drago is evil because his name is Conrad Drago. Framed for the murder, Michaels goes on the run to clear his good name, and while doing that, must team up with Kris Fairfield (Rothrock) (not "Fairchild" as is stated in some sources). Forging an uneasy trust, the two team up to beat up a ton of baddies and get to the truth, which isn't always easy, as both Kris and Michaels have complex backgrounds.Norton and Rothrock are two of our favorite action stars, and we always try to find the movies they're in, both separately and together. They're both likable and quality martial artists. Here, Norton's Australian identity is actually part of the plot, not something no one ever mentions, as is usually the case. He plays the "fish out of water" nicely, and his personality goes well with Rothrock's, and they have some good chemistry, which makes the film fun to watch. Most of the movie is set amongst decrepit, graffiti'd buildings, which, visually, makes a nice backdrop for movies like this, but can be a bit depressing at times.Along their journey, Kris and Michaels meet an array of colorful characters, which serves to liven up the movie. As in life, the more characters you meet, the higher the odds that a lot of them are going to be annoying, and Baby (Davies) and Hannah (Datcher) tend to grate on the nerves, while the mysterious Chan Lu (Obata) and Norton's chief, Capt. Murdock (Bach) show us another side. As in Quietfire (1991), our heroes must fight a team of transvestites, or something close to transvestites. It must be a 90's thing. Brian Thompson of Cobra (1986) and Perfect Target (1997) fame makes an ideal baddie. Just look at his face. It's almost like he was born to be a bad guy. He even has an evil mullet. It's the type of mullet that screams "I'm evil".On the down side, the plot gets a bit too complex and twisty for its own good, continually piling on new characters. Director Winkless also directed the first Bloodfist (1989) movie, so his aims were probably to step away from some of the more traditional plotting of these action yarns. Luckily, there is some good fighting, and the two leads are likable as ever. There are some good one-liners and humor, and the movie as a whole gives you what you want. Moreso than previous Norton/Rothrock vehicles such as China O'Brien (1990).For a solid action movie featuring two leading lights of the genre Rage and Honor (not to be confused with the Sho movie Rage OF Honor, 1987) is well worth seeking out.for more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
whpratt1 Some how I missed this series of films and enjoyed this flick from the beginning to the very end. Cynthia Rothrock,(Kris Fairfield),"Manhattan Chase",'2000, was a high school teacher and decided after work to use an ATM and had some very nasty encounters by some real bad bad dudes, who hit on her in more ways than one! Richard Norton(Preston Michaels),"Mind Games",'03, played a cop who got himself messed up with all kinds of characters and mainly a very hot, hot sexy everywhere Red Head and things started to POP! Terri Treas," House IV '92, was a very sexy mean mama, who did not mess around and had her eyes set on giving Preston Michaels a real hard time in more ways than what she wanted. There was lots of combat and it is up to you to figure out if the Male or Female won the battle of the bulges.
Anthony Bannon (bannonanthony) I had wanted to see this film for ages, and when I finally got to see it, I was not disappointed. Cynthia Rothrock and Richard Norton again make a great team as they deal with a squad of Martial Arts bad guys on the streets of LA.Brian Thompson, Terri Treas and Alex Datcher are all good in their roles as the bad guys, but at times they can become a bit ridiculous, especially Datcher's character Hannah The Hun, who always refers to herself in the third person.There is a major twist in the story, but it's probably been revealed in other reviews of this picture. The character of Wall Street vagrant Baby gets a bit annoying after a while, but he has some funny moments.The action sequences are as good, if not better, than the ones in China O'Brien. I hope some of Ms. Rothrock's films get DVD releases in the UK.
kirsty_uk I really liked this movie. I saw it on Sky Movies in 94. Cynthia is my hero! Always beating up the bad guys!But Cynthia is joined by a great partner named Richard Norton who is a bit of a dish in my opinion.So basically it's Kris (Cynthia) and Preston (Richard) against the drug King and Queen of LA. The psychotic Conrad Drago and the beautiful Rita Carrion. Who have a load of bumbling lackeys at their disposal including dirty cops, Fast Eddie the nightclub owner and car thief extraodinaire and of course Hannah the Hun, who has a gang of women fighters who do contract beatings. Oh and lets not forget Rita's bodyguard who is may be on the baddie's side but is a very honourable man.So how can the heroric duo of Kris and Preston defeat all these foes? Well they have Baby! Yes baby the homeless former stockbroker.I found Brian Thompson's portrayal of Conrad Drago very evil and the brother sister thing was a good storyline element.OK so I like this movie, I'll shut up now :)