Serial Mom
Serial Mom
R | 13 April 1994 (USA)
Serial Mom Trailers

Beverly is the perfect happy homemaker, along with her doting husband and two children, but this nuclear family just might explode when her fascination with serial killers collides with her ever-so-proper code of ethics.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bowmanblue 'Serial Mom' and 'Snakes on a Plane.' Two films that - technically - shouldn't really ever be compared to each other because they're so radically-different. However, maybe the one thing they do have in common (besides sharing space in my DVD collection) is that they basically tell you all you need to know about the film in the title, therefore you should know what you're in for before you sit down to watch.Kathleen Turner plays the titular 'Serial Mom' - a wife and mother to a typical American suburban family who, on the outside, are perfect in every way. But, the family's 'dark secret' is clearly apparent in the title. She takes pleasure in messing with some people and even killing others.And, like 'Snakes on a Plane,' once you've given what little elaboration of the title is needed, there's not an awful lot left to say. If you're looking for an - extremely - black comedy then you'll definitely find one here. Kathleen Turner is brilliantly evil, but don't expect too much in the way of backstory as to why she's like the way she is. This film was made in the early nineties and I reckon that if something similar was produced today then we'd get a detailed backstory as to why she does what she does.Either way, the film is - as I said - darkly comic and kind of pokes fun of the media reaction of the day (again, if this film was remade then expect all sorts of internet-related jibes involving the social media reaction to such events becoming public).Oh, and if you ever watched Ricky Lake's talk show then you'll be surprised at what she used to look like before she had a studio audience standing behind her!
David Howell Funny, quaint, executed well.It's not really a horror film, but more a mixture of slasher and comedy. A refreshing change as the protagonist is a mother, and her family and acting provide fantastic dark comedy.The pace of the film is good, progressing the story in interesting and unpredictable paths, with a satisfying end.Some interesting cinematography and cool shots of action unfolding. The film is kind of cheesy, but in a good way. It's fun to watch and doesn't seem to have any lulls. The films other strength is its believability. It doesn't have many moments you think "That wouldn't happen, they wouldn't do that" etc, and it's fairly clever at setting this up.
dworldeater Serial Mom is a dark and funny satirical comedy from director John Waters. Kathleen Turner is Serial Mom, a seemingly normal suburbanite mother and housewife. However, she does possess a dark side. If you don't recycle, chew bubble gum,or refuse to rewind your video tapes you could be on Serial Mom's chopping list. Also if you have anything negative to say about her family, your days are numbered. Compared to Pink Flamingos this is much more mainstream. However, Serial Mom is still campy and outrageous and John Waters fans of his earlier work can still dig this as his style is distinct and has'nt changed much. There are HG Lewis and Bloodfeast references thrown about all over the place. Beverly Sutphin's son Chip is a horror movie freak that has a job at the local video store. Her daughter, Misty is played by Rikki Lake and she loves to flirt with the boys. Kathleen Turner's performance as the wholesome, some times deadly, but always shaggable Serial Mom is perfect. Also check out a performance from all female punk/grunge band L7 that will take you down memory lane in the 90's time machine. Serial Mom is a good satire of suburban Americana and a great film that is very funny and holds up well.
g-bodyl If I was in the right state of mind, I would have hated this film because of the kind of story it is which seems to glorify mass murders. But, actually this film spoofs these crimes and the law enforcement/court trial that follows. This is a messed up film, but that doesn't stop from being a little funny, kind of creepy, and just a fun film in general.John Waters's film is about a middle-class, suburban housewife who seems content with her family, friends, and neighbors. But those who begin to disrespect her and her family, she brings out her secret identity and begins to terrorize them.The acting is quite good especially by Kathleen Turner. Many actresses would not have taken this role, but Turner did. She brought a new name to the word bipolar. One moment she has a sweet aura, the next moment she's a homicidal maniac. Turner was very brave in tackling a role like this.Overall, this is a pretty funny film that spoofs the law and order. The court scene in the end is a prime example of that. Some people may find this film sick, while others may find it funny. I thought it was pretty funny despite the gruesome murders. But I find it a good spoof of the American life and I loved how accurate Waters got all these details. I rate this film 8/10.