This Filthy World
This Filthy World
NR | 24 November 2006 (USA)
This Filthy World Trailers

In this filmed version of cult film director John Waters' popular one-man show, the Pink Flamingos and A Dirty Shame director takes the stage to discuss everything from his early influences, fondest career memories, and notorious struggles against the MPAA rating system. Part endearing memoir and part hilarious lecture, This Filthy World touches on everything from the insanity of contemporary pop culture to the director's unforgettable early collaborations with inimitable Pink Flamingos star Divine.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Michael_Elliott This Filthy World (2006) *** (out of 4) This one-man show features John Waters on stage in Australia where he discusses his life, films and hopes for the future. Being Waters you know this isn't going to be your typical, uplifting conversation as he starts off talking about the three negative influences in his life and then moves onto filmmakers that he learned the most from and sure enough it's gimmick master William Castle. Waters talks about several sexual things including new positions, people from Baltimore and countless other subjects but I think the real interest for fans is going to be him discussing all of his movies in the order that he made them. This is where we get some incredibly funny stories and especially with some of his earlier films like MONDO TRASH and MULTIPLE MANIACS. The story about them in an unknown farmer's pig pen filming is priceless. The PINK FLAMINGO stuff is all familiar stories but they remain entertaining no matter how many times you see them. He then gets into details about coming out of the midnight movie stuff and hitting mainstream with HAIRSPRAY and CRY BABY. All in all this is a pretty funny show even with the few dry moments that are scattered throughout. No matter what you think of his films, Waters is a pretty unique filmmaker and he's always got some great stories to tell. This here will mainly appeal to his fans or those who aren't easily offended but it's worth sitting through.
MartinHafer I think I have somehow been switched to the Bizarro World--after all, what else could explain how John Waters has gone mainstream?! Back in the 60s, 70s and early 80s, he was the creator of many sick and twisted comedies that most "nice" people didn't go to see. However, over the last two decades, thanks in part to some of his more mainstream films, he has become a very popular director and raconteur.Here in this film, Waters is in the midst of a nation-wide tour where he does, in essence, a stand-up routine. He discusses his films, his life, his opinions and tells stories--most of which are very funny and some of which are very filthy. While this makes this film a bad idea for viewing by kids, it makes it an excellent guilty pleasure for adults to watch while the kids are asleep! Witty, clever and very iconoclastic--it is amazing to see how funny and insightful Waters is--showing he's much more than a talented (but twisted) writer and director.My favorite part? When he talked about Dorothy and "The Wizard of Oz"--priceless!
vinylforever Well, this is not what others call "a movie", but for me definitely the very best cinema experience of the year (Berlin Filmfestival)! 450 gags within 84 minutes, if you know his movies-- and still 250, if you're a newbie...for me a definite one to-take-onto-the-island!!!!This stand-up-oneman-show (John Waters about life and his movies) was recorded for netflix, an American online videotheque (who released it exclusively to its customers first) and was released as a regular buy-DVD in the UK in November. It is worth every cent /penny and contains two very entertaining Q&A sessions, that are nearly as long as the feature itself!
preppy-3 John Waters did a one man show a year or two ago around the country. This film shows the whole show. Basically it's just Waters talking about good (and bad) taste, all his movies, his battles with the ratings board (over "Low Down Dirty Shame"), the actors he worked with, various sexual acts and his life in general. This movie is frequently hilarious and never boring...but not for everybody. The language is VERY raw and Waters doesn't shy away from anything (the comments about fisting got to me a little). This isn't for people who are easily offended but for those who love Waters and his films this is lots of fun. An 8--only because it IS a stage show and gets somewhat stagy a few times.