Breakfast with Scot
Breakfast with Scot
| 16 November 2007 (USA)
Breakfast with Scot Trailers

The lives of Eric, an ex hockey player, and his partner Sam, are thrown into turmoil when they are forced to take in Scot, a flamboyant 11-year-old.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
smurphy01 Yeesh. That's the first time I've ever sought to see the writer of a film. Because no matter how charming the acting, that script was a dog! It was like a first draft where embryos of ideas ended up in the final cut.I hardly ever write film reviews and am only on here because it seems such a lost opportunity and I'd like to commend the cast: if any of the cast is reading this, you were terrific! The young star, Noah Bernett, was fantastic, Tom Cavanagh was a great foil, and even poor old Ben Shenkman gave it go when the script allowed (rarely). Really, such a shame.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU You sure have to be in Canada for social services to entrust a boy under ten to a gay couple. But that sounds so natural that no one can complain, except the bigots and there are not very many around.The child, Scot, should be pitied through and through. The son of a father he does not know, raised by his mother as a girl, his mother dying of an overdose, or in an accident, no one seems to really know or want to know, abandoned by the second man of his mother to whom she had willed the boy along with her comfortable life insurance. The boy is trapped. But no pity please: we've run out of tissues.Luckily the stepfather being in Brazil, the boy, Scot, has to be entrusted to someone and that's the brother of that "Brazilian" stepfather, the brother and his boyfriend.The film is funny because of the disturbance it introduces into the daily life of these two men who have to learn how to take care of a child, of a boy: take him to school, make him socialize, introduce him to sports and the neighbors, teach him how to fight to defend himself and his reputation when he is accused of being gay (with a nice little ugly word for it) and when the men who are taking care of him are also accused of being gay (with another nice little ugly word for it).Then the film becomes interesting because the boy, Scot, little by little gets tricked and then trapped in his new life without actually denying what he is or what he feels. He learns how not to kiss everyone, especially the boys, or how not to hug everybody, especially the boys, for no reason whatsoever.Then the rest you'll have to discover. The ending is slightly mushy because the director wants it to be pink and nice, but it is so improbable that we have to suspend our disbelief so much we get vertigo. But that's all right provided you accept the idea that it is supposed to teach the bigots a lesson. But does it really? Entertaining though maybe too rosy to be true. But at times in life we need to believe a dream can be true. So enjoy the fun and relax in the entertaining cinematographic Jacuzzi. And don't you take advantage of the situation: there are little boys watching. So keep your hands on the edge of the pool.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
max-850 I wanted to like this movie. Tom Cavanaugh is a good actor and deserves better writing. From the get go I didn't believe these two guys were a couple. There was no chemistry between them. The pathetic exchanges of affection seemed designed for an after school special. If it's a move not for kids then why make a movie suitable for kids? Seems like shooting itself in the foot. The writer seemed to be trying too hard to be cute and the obvious reaching for jokes kept it from being engaging. I didn't believe one bit of it. It was so obviously fake that I had to clean house while it played out and I hate cleaning house. The character Billy is supposed to be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, yet customers in his store speak perfect English. The whole thing just never rang true.
awesumrossum I had never heard of the movie at all before seeing it - saw it from my movie channel...As soon as I saw the Toronto Maple Leafs, I was set up to be disappointed, but am glad I perservered. Hate to say it as a Canadian myself, but Canadian-made movies do not inspire the best expectations.I am SO happy about having seen Breakfast with Scot. I just loved the whole idea that the gay couple was worried about the kid being "too gay".Just because I haven't seen a kid like Scot, doesn't mean they aren't out there, however, that was the only part that seemed a little far-fetched to me. Everything else seemed like that's the way it would happen given that circumstance... The acting was fantastic and the plot itself was just so unique and refreshing.And, of course, having watched it with zero information, I had no idea there was any kind of gay theme whatsoever until the plot revealed itself. This movie is not about being gay - it is about relationships. The 'gay' part of this movie should hold no bearing on whether to see it or not. I am not gay and I LOVED it. I bought a copy. In fact, I bought two copies and gave one to friends of mine that I felt might be not open-minded enough to see it on my simple recommendation. They enjoyed it too.Everyone should see this movie. You will laugh out loud!