Fright Night Part 2
Fright Night Part 2
R | 07 December 1988 (USA)
Fright Night Part 2 Trailers

After three years of therapy Charley Brewster, now a college student, is convinced that Jerry Dandridge was a serial killer posing as a vampire. But when Regine, a mysterious actress and her entourage move into Peter Vincent's apartment block, the nightmare starts again - and this time it's personal!

Steineded How sad is this?
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
sleemice I would have preferred a cliche movie rather than something so lame. Long and painful to watch from start to finish. The actors are very good but it's the script that is just terrible. I'm hoping my rating will make some small contribution and this movie will be given the rating it really deserves which is much much lower.Like seriously what kind of person would believe rubbing roses on a werewolf hurts him? Maybe my mistake is watching this movie in 2018 way after I'd watched movies like Fright Night (2011), Werewolf in London, Van Helsing, Twilight where the werewolves and vampires are more believable.
skybrick736 With Roddy McDowall and William Ragsdale returning as the co-stars, Fright Night: Part 2 became pretty much a direct follow-up to the original. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of difference between the styles of filmmaking with both films either, creating a feeling of a continuous fluid story. Traci Lind and Julie Carmen were stunning as their parts taking the stage as gorgeous female leads. The film lost a bit of flavor and comedy but still managed to get a couple chuckles. Search out this movie if you're into 1980's cheese, classic horror vampires or even the original film, perhaps missing out or passing on the chance to watch it for a long time like myself. There's nothing extraordinary or groundbreaking about Part 2, but the Fright Night flick is a fun, under the radar sequel that happened to pan out successfully in the eyes of many fans.
deatman9 I have been a fan of the first Fright Night since I was young and I have never actually seen the second one until last night. I thought it was a good little sequel but I prefer the story line in the first one and this one does tend to try to be silly sometimes.This movie is about Charlie Brewster the survivor of the vampire attack in the first one. However a shrink has convinced him it could not of been real and it was all in his head. When he starts to see signs of new vampires though he begins to worry.If you liked the first one or your a fan of 80s horror movie gives this one a watch.
gwnightscream Roddy McDowall, William Ragsdale, Traci Lind and Julie Carmen star in this 1988 horror sequel. This takes place 3 years after the events of the original film where Charlie Brewster (Ragsdale) is in college. He's also been seeing a therapist trying to get over the vampire events and has a new girlfriend, Alex (Lind). Soon, Charlie reunites with his vampire killer friend, Peter Vincent (McDowall) and they meet attractive woman, Regine (Carmen) who turns out to be Jerry Dandridge's sister seeking revenge on them. Regine seduces Charlie and Peter must save him from being her vampire slave with Alex's help. This is a pretty good sequel with neat make-up effects and Carmen is great in it. I recommend this.