Gregory's Girl
Gregory's Girl
PG | 25 May 1982 (USA)
Gregory's Girl Trailers

A teenager falls hard for the female soccer player who has replaced him on the team and attempts to pursue her.

Tockinit not horrible nor great
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
FilmCriticLalitRao British film 'Gregory's Girl' is about the innocent world of young people who learn about different ways of the world uniquely from their own ingenuous perspective. The film is set in a small Glasgow school where everybody knows each other. It is a challenging sphere where one might become fascinated with sex but true love is what everybody seems to be searching. Some are able to get a taste of love whereas some have to wait a little longer or are even forced to make plans to go as far as Caracas to find love. In this Bill Forsyth film, the main focus is on the game of football as the film revolves around this energetic sport where even a girl gets all opportunities to be hailed as a great football player. Suspense is maintained throughout the film as nobody can guess who is going to end up as 'Gregory's Girl' till the end of the film.
randolphtaco The soundtrack, the 80s-ness, the odd pacing are a total put-off out of the gate. At first it looks like it might be like 100s of movies since--stupid vehicles of storylessness built to sell tickets, or at least rentals, or at least late-night premium cable channel time slots. Don't be misled--this just might be the most charming ugly-styled, lumpy-paced, horribly-scored movie you've ever seen. Tremendous frank, simple work from the cast. With a rare and extraordinary attention to the goofy, pointless detail, a.k.a., y'know, "life". There is plenty to overlook, I suppose, but it didn't demand a great effort to do so. Hats off to all involved.
ianlouisiana Made at the time when video shops were appearing by the dozen in high streets all over the UK "Gregory's Girl" was a definite "must hire" for any schoolboy who had ever gazed longingly and hopelessly at some unattainable figure in the playground whilst she totally blanks him and chats unconcernedly to her mates,not knowing she carries his heart in her hands.It is at the same time an evocation of the sweet pain and joy of adolescent love and a grand comedy of young manners. I can see no fault in it despite repeated viewings over a quarter of a century.It is a perfect movie. John Gordon Sinclair,like Henry Thomas in the near - contemporary "E.T." created a nonpareil character,and like Master Thomas,will never be able to escape from it. That great droll Mr Chic Murray gives one of then great British movie performances as the Headmaster whose school,like some huge new - fangled machine,seems to have mastered perpetual motion. "Gregory's Girl" is awash with fine performances,full of the optimism and enthusiasm and joie de vivre of youth and,merely by watching it you can recapture that heady brew for 90 minutes or so.Any movie that can do that for a 66year old is a considerable work indeed.Please watch it.
susean Every now and again a cinema house comes out with a film so good it makes you want to weep and this is one of those films. Set in 1980's Glasgow and featuring a typically acerbic and avant garde Glaswegian screenplay, the film concerns the adventures of Gregory (failed soccer striker cum goalie) and his pursuit of Dorothy, the dashingly glamorous new addition to the school team. The course of false love refuses to run smooth of course and Gregory reels from being stood up and jilted by Dorothy, only to be gently coerced into the waiting arms of his secret admirer, Susan. There's some superb performances in this film from the wonderfully frustrated John Gordon Sinclair as Gregory, plus Dee Hepburn as Dorothy the stunning love interest. 'Gregory's Girl' was clearly filmed between Spring and early Autumn and there's one enduringly beautiful scene where Dorothy plays keep-up with a soccer ball, shot against the maternally basking backdrop of urban Glasgow, whilst a haunting saxophone laments and chases the fading daylight, bemoaning the inevitable and eventual closure of our younger years, brief and fleeting as the scene itself. Plenty of valiant support too from Robert Buchanan as Charlie who finds himself fresh out of luck with the ladies and is therefore reduced to irritation tactics in a vain attempt to court their favours, all of which goes wrong and he attempts to hitchhike from StrathClyde to 'Caracus', where he's heard that the women out number the men by 8 to 1. Clare Grogan is slow-burningly sexy as Susan and a special mention too for Allison Forster for her brilliant betrayal of Gregory's dour and deadpan sister Madeline. Watch out for a wandering and periodic cameo penguin, some 'Olympic-challenged' track and field events and the late Chic Murray as the Headmaster .."off you go you small boys". The film also shows all the hilarious vice rackets that existed around 80's schools during lunch breaks, plus the pompous 'cock of the walk' bravado that naturally seems to accompany young men around the fairer sex. I was saddened to note that 'Gregory's Girl' was the one and only on-screen appearance that some of the cast have made and I believe that to be a crying shame as the cast was talented beyond belief. That said however, this is a magnificent statement of young love from start to finish and everyone of any age currently in love (or theoretically), ought to see it, sooner rather than later.