Silver Streak
Silver Streak
PG | 03 December 1976 (USA)
Silver Streak Trailers

A somewhat daffy book editor on a rail trip from Los Angeles to Chicago thinks that he sees a murdered man thrown from the train. When he can find no one who will believe him, he starts doing some investigating of his own. But all that accomplishes is to get the killer after him.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
dougdoepke Fitfully funny film, too checkered by raw violence to establish a humorous mood or a successful spoof. The first part is the best, resembling a Hitchcock picaresque where an ordinary guy gets in over-his-head and has to prove himself capable. The early rail scenes with a perfectly cast Beatty are a hoot. He's every bulging inch the carousing salesman, while his attempt to pick up sweetie Clayburgh is another hoot. Wilder too manages well, though no Cary Grant in the romantic department. Highlight too is the giant Richard Kiel's sudden appearance in the cramped passageway. His metallic mouth still has me under the covers. And catch grandma's cross-country flying service. From the looks of her spiffy bi-plane she could go one-on-one with the fabled Red Baron.But once the violent clash part takes over, the humor dilutes, and that's despite hip comedian Pryor's late addition. Then too, the extended shootout between cops and robbers is about as convincing as one of those old cowboy matinees where a thousand rounds maybe hits a couple targets. And for a movie that treats violence seriously, that's a drawback. Except for this sequence, special effects are gripping, especially the culminating train crash that's nothing less than spectacular. All in all, it looks like the runtime was padded with repetitive antics to get a feature length production. Nevertheless, with a tighter screenplay and a softening of the violence, the basic idea could be memorable. As things stand, however, the results are mainly for fans of Wilder and Pryor.
Ian (Flash Review)This goofy movie was the first of 4 where Wilder and Pryor team up for comedic jollies. This has an old school James Bond type of story to it. While getting lovey-dovey with a woman he put the moves on in the bar car of the train, an unsuspecting fellow played by Wilder, gets caught up in what he thinks has been a murder on the train. To his surprise, the woman ends up being partially involved with the murder. Wanting to keep her safe, he begins to investigate what funny business is going on. After many unusual scenarios, Pryor enters the picture as a captured burglar. They team up to uncover the truth. Very funny stuff incorporated into a pretty good story which feels very 70's. Amazingly, Pryor doesn't use any profanity. And Jaws from James Bond makes an imposing appearance. A must see for Wilder & Pryor fans.
fred_denmark As Mr. Wilder passer away last week, i looked over My Collection of Gene Wilder movies and in particularly those with Richard Pryor. This movie also marked Richard Kiel - here with gold teeth and 2 years before "The Spy who loved me" - as a terrifying villain. The movie is also a road movie seeing a Lot of the US country side. It bare resemblance with Trains, planes and Automobiles. There are many unforgettable classic scenes which in Teasers and trailers was used heavy. One scene deals with the accuse that White people ain't got rhythm. Gene are made Black with Black polish. Then he must learn how to walk like a Black Brother giving into the music. Patrick Mcgoohan plays hard boiled villain with No sympathy other than for money. His Løw dry voice is very convincing. The disaster in the end cannot be experienced on TV even we have 70 inch. In the movie Theater you get the impression the train comes though the wall. In My humble view the movie is on the top 100 of any List having seen 4-5000 movies over 45 years.
SnoopyStyle George (Gene Wilder) takes a train ride to Chicago, and hits it off with beautiful Hilly (Jill Clayburgh). She's the secretary to a professor who has proof of Devereau's malfeasance. George first sees the professor getting killed, then he runs into Devereau's hatchet men.It's an interesting mystery and mildly amusing. The jokes are weak depending mostly on the flustered Gene Wilder. He does get thrown off the train a few times. Then it completely changes when Richard Pryor joins the party 1 hour in.It was the first time the duo is on the big screen together. Gene Wilder does the memorable iconic blackface. And it changes the tone of the movie. It's an odd transition, and it doesn't really fit. After all, it was murders and gunfights in a mystery thriller in the first half. If for nothing else, this marks the start of a great film bromance. It changed the course of movie history.