Dragon Hunter
Dragon Hunter
| 01 December 2008 (USA)
Dragon Hunter Trailers

Orphaned as a baby when his parents were killed in a vicious orc attack, Kendrick of Elwood was raised by his elder brother, Darius. Now, after years of absence, a new danger emerges, more lethal than the threat of orcs or men. Reports of dragon attacks spread like wildfire through the panicked land.

Steineded How sad is this?
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
barticox An upper age limit of 15 should be given for this turkey which should only be screened on Sataday morning TV. Low budget and appalling casting and direction puts this in the same class as 'Krull' and .....um....I cant think of anything else as bad. Its as if a porn director has decided to make a fairy tale movie using his usual cast and camera men but without all the babes, he he. Big idea wasted by a second rate production team with insufficient financial backing. I have to find three more lines to conform to the minimum requirements for leaving a comment so, there is an Elf chick in the plot that is worth a second look but I would not part with any cash for the privilege of seeing her in this flick.
vic-232 I am embarrassed to admit that I watched this film all the way through, even though I could have turned it off at any time. I was, I suppose, oddly mesmerized by the awfulness of it all. Who knows? On some level, perhaps I enjoyed it.The dialog is stilted and corny, delivered in a manner so "ham" the actors should have been pierced with cloves and garnished with pineapple. The dragon, despite its total 1950s-style animated cheesiness, must have been considerably more expensive per minute than the ham actors, because its appearance on screen is mercifully brief. When one considers the quality of the actors, the sets, and the special effects, it seems probable that this was the lowest budget feature length film of 2008.Nevertheless, I will be on the lookout for future performances of the fabulous Slate Holmgren, whose face and mannerisms are perfect for a comic villain. Needless to say, he was NOT a comic villain in Dragon Hunter.
darkandor Lets take a look at the summary..Orphaned as a baby when his parents were killed in a vicious orc attack, Kendrick of Elwood was raised by his elder brother, Darius. Though only nine at the time, Darius devoted his life to Kendrick's care and to purging orcs from their land. As Darius grew into a great warrior, he sheltered Kendrick from all possible harm. Now, after years of absence, a new danger emerges, more lethal than the threat of orcs or men. Reports of dragon attacks spread like wildfire through the panicked land. In memory of his mother's prophesies of a mighty Dragon Hunter in their bloodline, Darius leads Kendrick on a perilous journey to the castle of Ocard - the Dragon Hunter training grounds. As they battle through evil men and orc-infested lands, they align with a band of rogue warriors who swear their allegiance in this hazardous quest. The Brothers of Elwood, joined by Raya, an elven princess, Olick, a mute Berserker, and five human mercenaries must escape orc ambushes and dragon attacks to reach the fortress at Ocard. Will dragons completely decimate the countryside? Only the Dragon Hunter will decide! The summary itself is wrong, at no point in the movie is the word "princess" even mentioned. The "mute" berserker speaks thus hardly making him "mute".I had no hopes for this movie because I actually enjoy low budget fantasy movies. This movie however can only be summed up by one word "terribad". It isn't the plot, it isn't the acting, it isn't the fact the characters have no depth, its the horrible camera work that makes this unwatchable. You can not see any fighting as the camera starts being shaken every time there is a battle, not slightly but to the point where you can not see anything. The ended was...well...wow...that bad. I have nothing else to say.
cyanideghost Its so bad, its hilarious. The whole plot is a joke. Firstly, I couldn't treat the actress who is in one of the most popular shows on Television (Two and a Half Men) as an Elven Archer. It was even more preposterous when she started wielding powers and that cheesy line where she claims she didn't think much of humans until she met the lead hero, who let's face it is a complete washout and a loser and a bit of a drama queen. I almost never rate movies as a 1, this would be my first that deserves to be in the bottom 10, let alone bottom 100. I was laughing throughout it was so terribly awful. Do yourselves a favour, don't watch this, save 1.5 hours of your life. The dragon in the beginning scene was okay, when they finally revealed it, it was AWFULLY like those plastic figures, and was literally catching arrows. What kind of dragon catches arrows and chucks them aside like its a shooting gallery? Was the entire cast high during the making and shooting of this movie? Did no one just spit on your faces for coming up with lousy plots? Seriously, nobody should have to watch a fake garbage movie like this. Then there's the faulty camera, even a 2 year old can hold a camera still during battle sequences and action scenes. There was virtually nothing but just cheesy one liners and fake plastic with gibberish in the background. I'm disgusted with this, and frankly that actress Kelly Stables DESERVES TO LOSE HER CAREER. FIRE HER FROM 2 AND A HALF MEN, SHE'S ANNOYING AND HIDEOUS and a lunatic for accepting this role. Anyways, off to watch a better movie, my 2 cents, save your money, don't rent this or watch it, you will feel cheated throughout.