Bionicle: Mask of Light
Bionicle: Mask of Light
PG | 15 September 2003 (USA)
Bionicle: Mask of Light Trailers

With darkness encroaching on the island of Mata Nui, the only hope for the survival of the islanders rests with two Matoran villagers, who must find the seventh Toa and deliver to him the fabled Mask of Light.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Eric Stevenson I admit to not knowing much about the Lego spin off, Bionicle. I just know that it's a toy series made by Lego featuring different designs and working on having a big story. I can't help but be reminded of how awesome "The Lego Movie" was, because this can't hold a candle to it. It was weird how this set up all this new mythology in something that was originally just goofy and nonsensical. Now, I do appreciate what they tried to do with this movie. They're taking a story driven toy franchise and adapting it. The thing is, this movie comes off as so clichéd.I couldn't remember any of the characters' names. To be fair, they are pretty hard to remember! It features these characters go on a journey to find a mask and they learn about themselves and destiny and sacrifice and stuff. I'm sorry, but it just seems like I've seen all of this before. While it's by no means an awful film, it might just be that I've seen so many movies that I see these tropes everywhere. I guess the CGI isn't bad. It does come off as too goofy sometimes. It's weird how what is technically the first Lego movie isn't all that good. Maybe the theatrically released film was too good for me. While the film wasn't offensive and mostly harmless, I think you can just skip this and watch the awesome Lego movie instead. **
NinthGlaive Basically LOTR with Bionicle. The animation is a bit cheap yet oddly charming. The many character's range from annoying to cliché to surprisingly good. As a kid this was my favorite anime. My favorite Toa was the red one because he had those two fire swords he could use as a surfboard. My least favorite Toa was the rock one because who the hell wants power over rocks you already have a Toa of Earth and rocks are apart of the Earth what the hell just fuse the two together. Actually wait after reading the Wiki the rock one is way better than the earth one because all the earth one does is control the soil. What the heck kind of power is that? Hey wait a minute there's also a water Toa and an ice Toa... What the hell Lego ice isn't even an element it's quite literally just water that got too cold.Anyways give this a watch it taught me many things as a kid like how sand and fire makes glass.
Ricardo Quintero (zahel_krest) When i saw the action figures by Lego, i thought that the story of bionicle was going to be thrash, but i was wrong. The movie "The Mask of Llight" is an superb adventure of faith, redemption and courage. The characters are really charismatic, so you can see this movie once and again. The design of the toa and the other characters is really stylish, and you wont feel disappointed about that. I can recommend you this movie because i love it, and if you like the epic stories about courage and friendship, take a look on wont regret that.But i need to be realistic. If you just like toi see blood, raw stories or you need to listen a bad word each 10 minutes, then you must find another movie, because this is amovie for kids and teenagers....
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews Before I saw this, I thought it wouldn't matter much if I didn't know the characters beforehand. I was wrong. I could barely follow the story, which annoyed me, since it was so simple that it hurts. The plot is OK, but unless you're a fan of Bionicle, you won't really care about it; it spends too little time telling us who these characters are, or giving us reasons to like them, or care for them. I realize that this is a children's movie, but it should have been better; most Disney movies give you characters to care about. The acting varied from decent to very bad. The characters were OK, but too many of them seemed to be there just for the sake of comic relief(on a side-note, why did one of the Toa's talk like Yoda?). The CGI is mostly OK, but at times it descends into mediocrity. Something I found repetitively annoying was how the animators kept trying to give these characters with barely any facial features at all emotion; it just doesn't work, when the eyes are lights and the face is a metal surface. Light and metal can't convey emotions like human actors can. They should have realized that, and put more action in it instead. With all that said, the action was the most entertaining thing in this movie, especially the fight at the end. Apart from that, this movie has very little to offer to non-fans of Bionicle, and if you get around to watching this, you'll be happy that it's only 70 minutes, because you won't be able to sit through any more of it when it's done. 5/10