R | 09 September 2003 (USA)
Nothing Trailers

The film tells the story of two good friends who live together, Andrew, an agoraphobic travel agent who works from his home, and Dave, a loser who works in an office where he is treated with contempt. Just when it seems things can't get any worse for the two, the entire world outside of their house disappears and is replaced with an endless white void.

Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Imdbidia Nothing is an independent film, a comedy of the absurd, by Canadian director Vincenzo Natali - One of those movies that you like or you hate, you get or you miss. You just have to check the extremes in ratings by the Rotten Tomatoes' Community.Nothing tells the story of two buddies -Dave and Andrew-, who have been best pals since school days, a couple of losers whose lives are a mess and going from bad to worse, until something happens and find themselves in a world of white nothingness.The movie contains Natali's recurrent themes, already explored in some of his previous movies: claustrophobic spaces and situations, characters placed in estrange situations that are difficult to explain from a rational point of view, personal and psychological change amidst adversity, among others. Moreover, the two main actors also appear in some of his other movies.The script, by actor Andrew Miller, is original, with great dialogs and situations, and explores a buddy relationship both realistically and fictionally. The setting is also incredibly interesting and perfect to start an experiment about human interaction. Despite the low budget, the movie works well both when is set in the real world and when is set in the Nothing area. I especially liked the creation of the house where the two friends live, which is more a burrow than a house, and matches perfectly the personality and type of person that Dave and Andrew are. The few especial digital effects are very effective and cute.David Hewlett and Andrew Miller are great in their respective roles, especially Miller, who has to change his acting registry dramatically during the movie; but, both actors are believable in their roles and are great lab-rats for this cinematic experiment.One of the main flaws of the movie is the connection-disconnection between the first part of the movie and the Nothing part, which is connected in a very simplistic unconvincing way. On the other hand, I thought that if the couple could vanish the world around them, they could also vanish the nothing around them and go into a new deeper territory, a real experiment., or even change those things that they hate in the real world. The end is inconclusive, although matches the crazy story and its childish characters.I found the movie hilarious, engaging, refreshing and very original. Moreover, the movie is unpretentious and takes itself lightly. Just the few credits at the beginning tell you this.Natali is one of those rare people in the world of cinema who seem to come always with great stories and ideas that are, then, slashed by mainstream critics and mainstream watchers, who praise, instead, movies that are half as interesting and entertaining.
Homer Simpson I'd give this piece of crap a 0 but I am forced to give it a 1 as it's the lowest permitted. This is a piece of garbage. Worse. A piece of garbage. Worse! All the jerky camera movements made me feel like barfing, not to mention the horrible and ULTRA annoying "acting". The best actor was the damned turtle. The plot? SUCKED! You don't care for the characters. They are retarded. You want them to die. You want this stupid college artsy-fartsy thing to end. You press the "stop" button about 30 minutes in; you at least give it a chance. After returning the rental back to the store you give the clerk an earful and spit on her face. Then you never EVER mention it again; you don't even recommend it to your enemies.
shrubby99 I can only agree with taximeter that this is a fantastic film and should be seen by a wide audience. The imagination on display, the visual interpretation of the script, the humor is constantly surprising. The two leads are great and really carry the film. My advice would be to not even watch a trailer, just rent the film and watch without expectations. I rented from blockbuster, so it is readily available in brisbane, not everyone will enjoy it but i think most people will have an opinion and that's always good, unless it's just 'that was stupid'. I loved this film, you just don't get to see gem's like this every day. This should become a cult favorite. Give it a try, you may just feel the same way about it as i do.
agentJ8 This is a good movie, but it is not recommended if you don't like intelligent movies. It's about two guys that wish that the world would go away,and that's exactly what they get. The acting is great, the ending was not predictable,and it actually had a good story unlike most movies these days. People complain about the movie being too simple or too boring. I think they should just stick to movies like The Toxic Avenger (I actually like B movies) or The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. One note: If you notice this, this has exactly the same actors from Cube except four actors. Make it two notes: Wait after the credits (Trust me on this one). Enjoy the movie.