Lonesome Cowboys
Lonesome Cowboys
| 20 December 1968 (USA)
Lonesome Cowboys Trailers

Five lonesome cowboys get all hot and bothered at home on the range after confronting Ramona Alvarez and her nurse.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Heath I had heard of this movie and was expecting something artistic and unique. It was absolutely devoid of artistry and the only thing unique about it is that it stands out as probably the worst film I have ever seen.It was just plain sloppy on every level of film making possible: camera work, editing, sound editing, acting, cinematography...any aspect of movie making found it's low point in this film. The plot is utter crap, with explicit homosexual overtures that are simply lewd. Warhol does not even attempt to portray sexuality (homo or hetero) as anything more than indiscriminate slut-dome. And for that it's not even erotic! This flick is utterly worthless and there's a reason why no one would distribute it and there are so few copies of it out there.
rwilson-7 ...but I rate it as such because I saw this movie as it should be seen, in a suburban "art house" cinema in the Sacramento suburbs in 1969. An interesting audience; some older men wearing overcoats and a few "sophisticated" couples from the local colleges. And me. I was not exactly sophisticated myself at the time (being only 19), but I laughed out loud a lot, while the rest of the spare audience stared at their shoes. I enjoyed the audience even more than I enjoyed the movie. And I enjoyed the movie a lot.P.S. Taylor Mead should be made a saint. I would like to see him made a saint not only because he deserves it but also because he might then cancel the insane 10 line rule here. There are movies that don't require 10 lines of commentary, this being one of them.
alohamike99 This movie is great. Joe Dallesandro is young and full-on hot and sexy. The dialogue is pure camp. The performances are funny, goofy, and stupid. Totally crazy bordering on dumb scenes. Similar in style and feel to a pre-Pink Flamingo John Waters low budget film. At times you'll wonder how in the hell they ever got it made, or why they bothered to spend time on the project. Ultimately, you appreciate the time piece that it represents. These artists and the works they produced were the "burning bush" to that era's counter-culture Moses. Irreverent and living out of bounds.
nd_4@hot I thought it was pretty funny, a little dirty, but funny. Taylor Mead's so giddy and girlish, he really makes the movie worth watching. Joe Dallesandro has a small role, but does a hilarious dance scene with Mead! The songs are good too! Who knew Eric Emerson could sing?
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