Night and Fog
Night and Fog
| 29 April 1956 (USA)
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Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
preppy-3 31 minute short about the concentration camps of WW2. It opens with beautiful footage from 1955 of the deserted camps. The sky is blue, birds are flying, grass is growing. Then the film shifts to b&w footage of the Nazis deporting hundreds of people to the death camps. We see graphic footage of what they did to those poor people intercut with beautiful color footage. Also there's matter of fact narration and a music score.I first saw this in high school back in 1980. It didn't shock or horrify me. I still feel the same way years later. The intrusive music score and sometimes insipid narration keep you at arms length. There was zero emotional impact from me despite the images. "Schindler's List" and "Shoah" covered all this material already. So it IS essential viewing but it didn't work for me sadly.
Sergeant_Tibbs Night and Fog is a horror documentary. The horror is the truth. This is an extraordinary account of the concentration camps during World War II, and even nearly 60 years on, it told me about them more in its mere 30 minutes than hours of school history lessons. It utilizes a very verite style as it blends gruesome archive footage with their own footage of their cameras gliding deep within the heart of the camps. It's very aware of the actual filmmaking process as it uses "we" a lot in the narration, giving the exploration a feeling of involvement with the viewer, even though the footage itself is embracing enough.It presents the events chronologically, delivering only the essential detail required for information and emotional impact, studying the camps as if an involuntarily culture within a manufactured city. It's impersonal, but remains hugely dramatic, partially due to the electrifying score. It's especially impressive for how it matches the devastating statistics with actual photographs and footage then relates it back to the present day, asking the question why did this have to happen as no one man will take responsibility and how do we stop history repeating itself, a common theme in Resnais' work. It's absolutely one of the most powerful and deeply affecting films ever made.9/10
lhnrlmitz Night and Fog documents the tragedy from the perspective of a Holocaust survivor, it pulls you straight into the mood with its poetic narrative, its curiosity arousing opening shot of an abandoned concentration camp and its depressing score.The infamous Holocaust was known to almost everyone through obscured history teachings and heroic war films that didn't leave me with the impact "Night and Fog" did. We are constantly reminded in films and books that 6 million Jews were massacred and other atrocities the Nazis committed but what impact did it really had? To me, little to non, maybe with just a passing thought "Hitler is a real psycho".After watching Night and Fog, then i did finally realized the cruelty that had happened, blockbuster films doesn't show you that, history books couldn't paint the picture. The raw stock images and footages used were gruesome, Stretched to my 16:9 monitor, I was stared by a real corpse, witness bodies being bulldozed.... They didn't made me scared but empty, it was weird, indescribable.We people living in this age are enjoying and entertained by WW2 exploits, Nazis and Hitler being destroyed over and over again in countless films, and us enjoying it, yes "justice" must be served and of cause we are also entertained to have them back as always to be our central villainous figure. This is awfully similar to how the Nazis influence their citizens into believing the Nazi's cause, I'm not saying that modern films of WW2 exploits are all propagandas because most of them are to milk money, yet they delivers the same kind of messages: " Our cause is honorable ", " We serve justice " " We are good and they evil "..... People may argue that the fact is they really are on the good side and films are portraying the fact but that's not the point, the point is what humans are capable of when exposed to all these ideologies, quote from the last stanza of Night and Fog "Are their faces really different from our own?". I couldn't cry nor am i enraged when this documentary completes its final stanza, just empty.
Martin Teller Holocaust documentaries tend to be very detached, holding back judgment and emotion and letting the horrors of the situation speak for themselves. Night and Fog is somewhat unique in that the narrator's outrage is apparent. I've seen an awful lot of Holocaust docs, this is the only one I've seen more than once. Three times, actually. And probably no more, because it's so terribly upsetting. A mere 32 minutes, but Resnais concentrates so much sorrow, pain, and cruelty into it that it's almost unbearable. You just don't get used to seeing this stuff. I felt at times the musical score was a bit tacky, or at least unnecessary, but the overall package is very powerful and a haunting reminder of how evil humanity can be.
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