Gentlemen Broncos
Gentlemen Broncos
PG-13 | 30 September 2009 (USA)
Gentlemen Broncos Trailers

A teenager attends a fantasy writers' convention where he discovers his idea has been stolen by an established novelist.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bjw414 i'm absolutely not a fan of 21st century culture. but 1 of the few movies that i like is "napoleon dynamite". this movie is from the same director. so i thought that it was going to be funny. it isn't. it is over-saturated with sarcasm. i like sarcasm. but this movie is >95% sarcasm. and, it got annoying within 10 minutes. if i didn't know that movie was written by Jared and Jerusha Hess, i would guess that it was written by mean-spirited middle school children. when i was growing up, i liked the novel "dune" by frank Hebert. i liked the movie, too. "yeast lords" is obviously making fun of "dune". Jared and jerusha Hess will never come close to making anything as good as "dune". and they know it. so, they just a made cheap, mean-spirited movie such as this.
lamoreauxba First off, I don't like comedies. They are not funny. I despise the Will Ferrel type movies (Anchorman, balls of fury, Talladega, etc) so called "humor" of that type that is not funny at all but just a bunch of repeated idiot jokes. That is corporate comedy. Its not even funny unless somebody tells you that it is. But with Americans inability to think with the slightest inkling of originality, it is no wonder they are so popular. The masses are.....This movie made me actually laugh. It was funny. The funniest movie I had seen in a long time. I find myself repeating some of the lines form it. IT is not a serious movie, Most movies that come out are not serious movies. Better sci-fi than the Bunger Games.The acting was hilarious and the faces of some of the actors were amazing. Sam Rockwell is excellent in his dual roles.I thought it better than Napoleon Dynamite.You can dislike this movie, but that only makes you a square in my book.
dfusco-217-829120 I can only think that the reviewers on this site have lost their sense of humour, are addicted to Hollywood pap, can only watch 'celebrity actors' who's lives are smeared over the pages of magazines in supermarket racks, are too up themselves and their conformist notions to actually watch and enjoy film, have forgotten the sense of wonder that the ordinary can have.... They need action, explosions, USA as the saviour of mankind (in various disguises), a dose of soft pornography inserted into every plot, men with enormous drug induced muscles, women with enormous plastic breasts, cute children, squealing squeaky clean teenagers, immaculate settings, and an escape from the real world. This had to be ten lines to say "this film will not be liked by the kind of person who would probably go to see 'Yeast Lords'starring Arnold.
Roland E. Zwick "Gentlemen Broncos" is so off-the-charts weird at times that you often can't tell whether it's breaking new ground as a brilliantly original and creative work - or just trying too hard.Michael Angarano ("Forbidden Kingdom") plays Benjamin Pervis, a friendless teen who lives with his penniless mom in a geodesic-domed house in rural Utah. Ben is a writer of sci-fi fantasy fiction who has one of his stories stolen by Ronald Chevalier (the delightful Jemaine Clement), a world-famous author with a James Mason voice. Ben also runs into a couple of bizarre indie-film makers who want to make the same story Chevalier stole from him (entitled "Yeast Lords" from the series "Gentlemen Broncos") into one of their shoestring-budget productions.It's hard to know whether writers Jared and Jerusha Hess (Jared also directed the film) have any real affection for their characters and the world they inhabit or whether they view them merely as objects of out-and-out mockery and ridicule. In fact, the characters, with their mouth-breathing, slack-jawed expressions and atonal line readings, achieve near-freak show status at times. It's this air of condescension, rather than the tale itself, that sometimes makes it hard for us to laugh at what's happening on screen.Despite this discomfort, however, there is still much to admire in the work. The movie has fun parodying both the unscrupulous nature of the publishing business and the accoutrements of low-budget filmmaking. Clement is marvelously deadpan as the sci-fi penner whose writer's-block forces him to scrap all traces of authorial integrity in pursuit of the almighty buck. And Angarano creates in Benjamin a character we can actually care about and root for. The enactments of scenes from Benjamin's novels are appropriately hokey and cheesy, and the movie also makes astute musical choices, particularly Zager and Evans' 1969 hit "In the Year 2525," which effectively book-ends the story.