Mr. Bean's Holiday
Mr. Bean's Holiday
G | 22 March 2007 (USA)
Mr. Bean's Holiday Trailers

Mr. Bean wins a trip to Cannes where he unwittingly separates a young boy from his father and must help the two reunite. On the way he discovers France, bicycling and true love, among other things.

Micitype Pretty Good
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
J-M I don't know why this only has 6.3. Sure maybe not like the originals, but still really funny. It doesn't need to be like the 1990's to be funny. I laughed so freaking hard when i saw this. So for something be funny, it doesn't have to be like the originals. I mean both the originals and this Mr. Bean's holiday are good. The one Mr. Bean movie I did not like was Bean. That was awful. I mean it could have been a really funny movie, but it contained sexual jokes that or not good OR FUNNY!! So, if your trying to decide a good family comedy watch Mr. Bean's holiday! It is filled with laughs! I guarantee if you are a Mr. Bean fan there is no way you will not like this film.
davidclarke-27986 Mr Beans holiday is an hysterical story about an English person with slight mental difficulties attempting to travel from England to the beaches in Cannes. The film is all about how this man travels to Cannes and all of the interesting experiences he encounters along the way. Some of these experiences could have ended in a disaster for the mentally challenged individual; therefore it would have been worthwhile him investing in some travel insurance before he left the UK. In this particular circumstance this individual only goes on the occasional holiday,therefore the logical insurance for this man would be to buy insurance just for that trip rather than investing in an annual based multi trip travel insurance extravaganza. Watching Mr Bean once again reminded me of probably my favourite film of all time, Thunderbirds... The thought of Thunderbirds was so powerful that it had me eclipsed in its all encompassing nostalgic beauty.
willcundallreview Rating-4/10Mr Bean's Holiday is a movie version(second of that) to the popular TV series of well, Bean. But of course as the title alludes to this is Mr Bean going on holiday and wins a prize to go to France, but when does anything go right for Mr Bean. Now this is surely a movie only some can enjoy and many not, it's the kind of plot that doesn't work but the film has it's moments of laughter and even slight heart so there is a lot to discuss.Now Mr Bean yet again gets into a little trouble, and his near stereotypical mental institution tendencies make him hard to see as a real person just walking about the street. Rowan Atkinson who is behind it all does play him well all in all though and he is one reason I give this rating a slight bit higher, the cast is full of names but it is Atkinson who out does them all, his brand of comedy really coming out for all to see.I wasn't so keen on the story of it all, I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it but it gets a little messy and the humour isn't exactly placed very well, the movie can have long droughts of no comedy and then many jokes all at once. I also wasn't over keen on the writing, Hamish McColl and Robin Driscoll don't bring much out, and with Bean hardly saying a word you could say I'm being unfair but some parts I just feel are not written well and seem too much like TV.I do however love the locations, this is one film that is absolutely beautiful to look at and really does make you want to go on that prize holiday too(just without the silly goings on). The film also boasts a particularly French and fine score, Howard Goodall makes this great to listen too as well, ascetically it is a fine piece of work, just maybe the plot needs a tune up. I felt this movie does need a touch from some of Atkinson's previous colleagues such as Richard Curtis maybe to come on, with Curtis creating Mr Bean and writing the previous movie, it would have given them a second chance to make Bean great again but on the big screen.I will add a more positive note though to all this rather negative wording I am using. I have great respect for Atkinson and Mr Bean, it is hard to go make a movie 10 years on from a mixed response movie and hope it be well reviewed(which this is not). I do think this is partly enjoyable though, let your inner child out and don't criticise too much and this can be absolutely hilarious, maybe not always for me but I expect some to fall in love with Mr Bean.Overall a comedy I wouldn't recommend but wouldn't completely shut down either, give it a go if this is your type of slapstick like humour and you may like it a lot. I think we have maybe seen the last of Bean on the cinema screen now forever, and unless they find a new person to be him, I don't see Rowan Atkinson coming in to do another one, would love to see one last go but I doubt it very much.
SnoopyStyle Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) wins a church raffle for a vacation trip to the south of France and a camcorder. This allows him to cause havoc in an another country. He accidentally separates Emil and his son Stepan. Emil is a movie critic going to Cannes as Film Festival jury member. Bean and Stepan are together when Bean lose their tickets, wallet and documents. They get thrown off the train and have to find their way to Cannes themselves.Bean is normally more selfish and obnoxious. The movie pairs him up with a kid and he becomes a good-hearted bumbling fool. The humor becomes a lot lighter. The chances were that Bean would have trouble staying funny for the longer duration. This light stuff has a lot of difficulties maintaining any comic intensity. Also the kid should probably be a bit younger to get more of the cute factor. Nevertheless, there are some fun bits that make this a worthwhile watch for fans of the TV character.