Johnny Tsunami
Johnny Tsunami
G | 24 July 1999 (USA)
Johnny Tsunami Trailers

A Hawaiian teenage surfer shows off his skills when he takes to the snow slopes in Vermont.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
robertsays2182 I have this thing where I have too much time on my hands, I look through over the years and decide who would be nominated for certain know like the Oscars. Well this is one of those movies. Great acting, directing, writing. But there is one beef I have with this movie. It seems like it takes no time in one scene to get from Vermont to Hawaii. Other than that great. Nice photography, I love the music score. 8 Like the T.V. show 8 is enough. Is it me or does Lee J. Thompson seem lost at times? Well it was nice to see him in his part...Which in the sequel is played by someone who totally craps on it. But that's the other movie. A Disney channel classic.
Chrisx001 I think i may be the only one that thinks that Emily in the film is kind of cute. Buh As i've seen her pictures lately, She kind of changed (as for gotten a little non-attractive) Or maybe she's not so photogenic? Well besides that, this movie was pretty OK. It shows how most people act toward newcomers from another state. And it also shows how to handle bully's and love which is very unique. It makes it better that the settings are in Hawaii, and sometimes in America. Also it shows how people are enemies just to support there higher authorities. There are a lot of "jealousy" that goes on in schools which is still childish.
genik10 Johnny Tsunami is the perfect blend of extreme surfing/snowboarding action, memorable quotes/characters, emotionally and morally draining subject matter, and guilty pleasure. It is the ultimate Disney channel movie. Brandon Baker does a superb job portraying Johnny, or Puno, grandson of famous hawaiian big wave surfer(and the coolest movie character ever) Johnny Tsunami. The other characters in this film are like a big swell coming in from north shore. Johnny goes from shredding raging monsters down at pipeline with Jake to workin' the hill with Sam all with wonderful transitions and excellent story lines. I wouldn't want to give too much away, but he even gets the girl.Johnny:"How come you never told me you could snowboard grandpa?" Grandpa:"How come you never asked?"
Jarek-6 I never expected to enjoy this movie, but trust it was really good. The movie's your classic teen trying to fit in story. Johnny, a Hawaiian surfer moves to Vermont. He doesn't fit in with his preppy peers at his school, so he makes friends with kids from a rival school. His peers consider him a traitor, and soon they get him in trouble with his principal and his parents. Guided by his grandfather's wisdom, Johnny finds a way to solve problems. What makes this movie so good, is the way Johnny struggles to fit in. Reminds me of "Angus."