Jett Jackson: The Movie
Jett Jackson: The Movie
PG | 08 June 2001 (USA)
Jett Jackson: The Movie Trailers

Jett Jackson, who is the star of Silverstone, is considering quitting Silverstone when it is given a three year extension. During the filming of the last episode, Jett is accidently sucked into Silverstone's world when a prop malfunctions. Silverstone is zapped into Jett's world as well. In Silverstone's world, Jett has to save the world from Dr. Kragg's evil plans.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
MovieAddict2016 This is a fun, well-made family's movie with good intentions. It's based off of the once-popular Disney Channel series "The Famous Jett Jackson," which I used to catch on TV once in a while. I always considered it the best of the Disney Channel TV shows (the rest are all mostly lame and unfunny and repetitive) and the movie adaptation is acceptable for what it is.The best aspect is that the film approaches the series with a fresh idea and manages to come across as a child's version of "Mission: Impossible." It begins with Jett (Lee Thompson Young) deciding to quit his famous role of teen-agent Silverstone, a top-secret action hero. However shortly after quitting the role (at the disapproval of friends and family) he's struck on the head and lapses into a long dream wherein he IS Silverstone, and no one else seems to believe he's an actor.In his dream, the villain Kragg (Michael Ironside, devious and menacing as usual) has perfected a means to travel between universes, and Jett has to stop him before he invades the "Real World." This movie is nothing special and it's just a made-for-TV Disney movie, aimed at kids, so it has to be graded as such. Lee Thompson Young is a fine actor and has charisma - he handles the action sequences well, no matter how ridiculous they are.In the end it's easy to smirk at this and be a cynic, but it is intended for children and as such works well within the restraints. Of course the concept is silly and childish, but that's the point. It's enjoyable, unpretentious and isn't insulting like the other Disney "Original" Made-for-TV films.Worth catching if you see it on TV sometime, providing you have children. (Or are a child at heart.)
Christopher Hewitt This movie has a really neat reason to tell about in the movie. First of all, everyone is all older in this movie as this being the conclusion or shall I say "cancelling" of the original television series. Lee Young (who goes by Lee Thompson Young and plays Jett Jackson and Silverstone), is a really good actor and I am surprised that he has only been in like 4 big movies total. Kerry Duff who plays "Kayla" is so much older than anyone could have guessed. What are they supposed to be somewhere around high school and 17 in the movie, whereas Kerry Duff is like 21 years old. Ryan Sommers Baum is really good as "J. B.", Jett Jackson's best friend in the movie and series.The main concept of the movie is how Jett Jackson and Silverstone switch places in the movie. I am not going to tell you how, because I don't want to spoil it. And when they switch places they learn something and find out about each others' lives. It really has a good meaning to it, and good special effects, and a touching ending. This is definitely on my "Top 5 Disney Movies"! If you are like me and saw all of the commercials for this movie about 15 times, then you know that Disney does give away a lot of info about the movie, sometimes even spoils it. But anyway, "Jett Jackson: The Movie" is definitely to be viewed by movie lovers at least once because it is best the first time viewed and make sure that you see it from the beginning and not in the middle and even if you tend to not like it, see the end. You will be impressed at how nicely it turned out.
bballsar12 I really enjoyed this movie. Lee Tompson Young did a wonderful job. Their was great acting, good stunts, and an original story from Disney. I doubt that any other original movie will be any better. This one is one of the best and I suggest if it's on that you watch it.
mirageofmae This movie was everything I expected and more. It had a touch of everything. It has a bit of romance, action, and suspence. I loved learning more about Silverstone, he doesn't get enough screen time where they explore him in depth (though i understand it is hard to explore two characters in a half hour show.) There's also a lot they could do with the show if they play off what was in movie. All in all, it makes a great movie which i'm glad I taped because I'd love to watch it over and over again. I've already seen it twice. =)