Eddie's Million Dollar Cook Off
Eddie's Million Dollar Cook Off
G | 18 July 2003 (USA)
Eddie's Million Dollar Cook Off Trailers

Eddie Ogden is his pa's pride and joy as well as the Groundhogs team's only asset as baseball talent. Then Eddie discovers a taste and talent for cuisine. Although his brothers Andy and Alex, and Pa as well as classmates enjoy his dishes, they only mock cooking, so he arranges and 'accidental' registration for him and two friends in Home Economics. Only Eddie -secretly again- and nerdy shrew Bridget Simons enter a national cooking competition for school-kids. Ma finds out and to his surprise proves supportive, as well as the teacher, who once won the competition herself.

Micitype Pretty Good
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
danomychowski Honestly, I never cared for the movies produced by the modern Disney channel (I think they're calling it Zoog? Whatever that means.). In fact, I haven't really liked most of the more recent theatrical films from the Disney company. They seem to have gone way downhill since Walt died, though there have been signs that they are returning to form lately. Movies like Sky High, Pirates, and even The Game Plan was a minor improvement over the countless number of sub-par attempts they have been making since the late 80's. And now we have this. Yet another family sports comedy featuring a kid as the lead, just another sandlot wannabe. Or is it? Yes, the plot is cliché and tired, and yes, the film itself is endlessly predictable--especially how it ends. But somehow it manages to pull itself away from what seemed like inevitable mediocrity. The film itself had a sort of charm to it that really added to the viewer's enjoyment of what would be an otherwise pointless mess of cliché. That and Taylor Ball, best known for playing the part of Brian on the sitcom Still Standing. He times his lines just well enough that he actually makes some rather silly lines of dialog work. He manages to make a character out of one of the most tired cliché vehicles in the book. and for that, I praise him. Taylor Ball saved this movie from being a total failure. It is a wonder why he doesn't get more work.-Ryan out.
raspberry1313 Eddies Million Dollar Cook-off was a good movie, granted i am older than most of the people that were cast in this movie. I feel that everyone could relate to this movie, like when eddies friends made fun of him for cooking, anyones friends could do that. I think that EMDCO was better than half the disney movies that are on . It shows that girls and guys can do the samething, that guys can cook and girls can play the same sport as guys.It has a good cast good writing and is something that everone should be able to relatable to at one point in their life.
ktlovezyou23 I absolutly LOVED Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off!! My mom gets so annoyed because I've watched it every time it has been on lol. One because it's a really good movie and two because well of Eddie :-D ;-)! I just love him.. what can i say.. :-P -Katie
moviefan15 Very good movie. It is a good movie involving what many teenagers go through today: making the right decisions. It also shows how Eddie was afraid to tell his father the truth, for fear of being ridiculed. This movie hits home with what many teenagers go through today. I would recommend this movie.