Jump In!
Jump In!
| 12 January 2007 (USA)
Jump In! Trailers

A young boxer, Izzy Daniels, trains to follow in his father's footsteps by winning the Golden Glove. But when his friend, Mary asks him to substitute for a team member in a Double Dutch tournament, the young man discovers a hidden passion for jump roping, all while finding love with Mary and navigating conflict with himself and his father about boxing.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
StartingAllOver14 If I didn't knew "Jump In" was a Disney Channel movie, I would guessed it was a TV movie from another channel. This urban-oriented flick is a rare DC flick with a more mature feel and tone and it genuinely feels like a TV movie from a more mature channel. While it's still a light-hearted film, "Jump In" is the least cheesy Disney Channel flick I've seen. It seems as the executives of Disney woke up and decided to made a DC flick aimed for a older teen group, although kids and tween's can still safely enjoy the film.And to be honest, it's good to see a DC film which isn't overwhelmingly sugar coated. Anyhow, "Jump In" is still a cute and lighthearted movie. It's nice and refreshing to see a urban film with almost an entirely Afro-American cast (which is something they should tried out for "The Princess and the Frog") from Disney Channel. While the story and moral is quite traditional, the film delivers a valuable message to the viewers and comes off with a quite decent drama, insuring the story's mature tone.Although none of the acting is Oscar-worthy, the cast are a good fit for their roles; Keke Palmer is adorable and likable as Mary, David Rievers is a good TV-dad, Kylee Russell is a cute little sister for Izzy without outshining the other cast, while Patrick Johnson Jr is credible as Izzy's hostile nemesis Rodney. Those who watches "Hannah Montana" will recognize "Amber" (Shanica Knowles) as Mary's friend Shauna and Shanica delivers a decent performance. And Izzy's two friends Chuck (Masin Elsadig) and L'ilEarl (Micah Williams) are amusing.It's no strange that Disney wanted Corbin Bleu to Starr in his own film. He's got lots of star potential; charisma, looks, presence and sex appeal. But is he really a good actor? Well, to be fair on him; although he's far from an Al Pacino or an Robert De Niro (just to take some examples), he does a decent performance as Izzy.If there's anything to complain on "Jump In", it must be the overall presence of the "villain" Rodney, which also was a problem in "Camp Rock". Although the villains in DC have back-stories which makes the viewers sympathize more for them, their back-stories doesn't get solved and they still have to surrender to the protagonist. Those solutions feels too slight and out of order.Otherwise, "Jump In" may not be innovative or a masterpiece, but still a entertaining and cute film to recommend and to enjoy. It has pacing, boxing, lot of impressive double dutch movements, a little romance and catchy, urban music.
Porsche_Driver i must say that the detailed explanation of lobo girl, pretty much said it all. i was not impressed with this movie for it lacked fundamental points in order for a movie to succeed. 1. humor (the funniest part was watching Corbin bleu do those cheesy back flips in the beginning) 2. romance (just like camp rock, the ending of whether or not kiki and Corbin ended up together is still hanging) and 3. substance (it seems as if everything has been molded off of high school musical!!!! i mean, the same plot. main character struggles between passions of two opposite paths and meets a girl along the way. wow...I'm intrigued...NOT!! anyway, i must say i am biased to lobo's ah-mazing comment because i know her, but that's okay because it still covered everything that people should know before they commit themselves to watching this movie. well, done lobo p.!! see u soon!!
run_kidflash_run Out of all the Disney Channel movies I've seen, this one is by far the best. It even outranks High School Musical on my list! The plot line was well developed and had a message kids can learn from. The movie had a fitting blend of humor and seriousness, and I thought that the actors were all wonderful! Some scenes could have been delivered better, but nobody's perfect. I also really admire Corbin for playing a double dutcher. Sure, you can argue that he's an actor and it's his job, but even so, he could have refused the part. Anyway, back to my main point... The stereotype in the movie that girls are the only ones who jump rope is, unfortunately, present in real life, and I think that this movie showed people that yes, boys can double dutch. My little brother thought the double dutch was cool, and for him, that's impressive. Although the main focus of the movie was on Izzy and his double dutch dilemma, my favorite character was Tammy. I think that she was the most inspirational character out of all of them, for girls at least. Not only is she a female athlete in a male-dominant sport, but she also helps Izzy realize where his heart lies. I guess she really does have "a good head on her shoulders." Girls should try to be more like Tammy and less like Barbie. Call me a feminist, but it's true. Overall, this movie was extraordinary! Next time it's on Disney, grab a few friends and watch it together. You'll like it, I promise!!
katiee08 Well, I won't ruin anything here. I thought the movie was pretty good. As far as the real jump rope stuff, I was proud (as a real competitive jump roper) of the director/whoever for doing such a good job making the jump rope routines difficult and full of tricks that we actually do! Marcus Taylor did an awesome job doubling for Corbin. The one scene where the girls have to compete alone opens with an Asian team from Japan competing. I was actually able to meet all the guys at a summer camp in Tampa, Florida last year, and they are all such cool guys! Jump rope really is an awesome sport. It was really nice to expose the hidden world of jump rope to kids. People don't understand what the sport of jump rope is really all about, and this movie helps explain things to people who go "what? jump rope? That's dumb" The storyline, in my opinion, was nothing spectacular, but it did alright for a DCOM.