Struck by Lightning
Struck by Lightning
NR | 20 April 2012 (USA)
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After being struck and killed by lightning, a young man recounts the way he blackmailed his fellow classmates into contributing to his literary magazine.

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
lovedolphin-75437 Chris Colfer is a amazing writer and amazing executive producer he is very talented I love how this movie is very inspiring to be himself In his character he really was truly amazing and having a amazing friends and people who are in this movie to make everyone shine super awesome job
John Willians So this won't be the best film you've ever seen in your life, truth, but it will definitely not be a waste of your time.Must say I'm not a big fan of Colfer's writing, but this particular story succeeded in holding my attention. Why? Its difference. Not another "high school drama", this one shows some substantiality. Might be cliché, but you do relate with some situations throughout the film and end up satisfied by outcomes so 'down to earth'. The film has enough potential to make you laugh, cry and easily stop and take a second look at your life, at yourself. So I guess it's all about its message. There were times I actually forgot I was watching a movie, because it felt like I was reading someone's diary. That's how raw it is. Mostly, are you a writer? Intend to be one? You've just found yourself another reason to watch it."[...] that's how I live my life. From one dream to the next".
merrilanil This "coming -of -age" movie is good especially with the sole effort of its main lead actor Chris Colfer with his comic and sarcastic timings throughout the movie and you would love the guy all over again if you have not done yet from his performance in the hit series Glee.The movie is a good blend of comedy with lots of food for thought as well and when i say comedy it is not raunchy or sexual ones that pass as comedy these days but most of the movie's comedy comes from intelligent sarcasm and situational ones.To me, this movie was a good and effective watch that made me laugh and at the end made me reaching for tissues because the movie kind of does that you in the end.I felt that this is one of those movies which will give you a good time and move you while watching but at the same time will be moved from your memory chambers as soon as you are through with it.Watch the movie for a good clean sarcastic humour and for a great performance by chris colfer
oriolbm92 Most of all the people who've watched this film are likely to be Glee fans pushed by their love for Kurt Hammel or Chris Colfer's entire package (personality, talent, even looks), with that said and after the first ten minutes of film gone by, one must wonder if it's worth staying for the rest of the footage, since this, ladies & gentlemen, isn't Glee, therefore, there is no Mr. Shue or no extravaganza to mellow the sad moments. This is as real as it gets, or at least this is Chris Colfer's experience.Chris is the one in charge here, he's got his own plot and his time to shine, and with all these supplies, he takes the audience on a roller-coaster, a teenager's living on a small town, a place which offers nothing but sadness and deception, nor a place to shine or to call a home. I'm quite sure this is autobiographical, so after the movie is over, I had this sort of feeling that left me satisfied and feeling good , there's always a chance, even when reality seems ''cloudy'' ( some of you might disagree with my view of the story and its context, but nevermind, this is what this site is about , isn't it? ) . In addition, I'd like to thank Chris for keeping Carson's sexuality out of the picture, it wasn't necessary on the plot, and therefore it stays out (I'm gay myself, so don't think I'm being judgmental here)I'm myself a fan of Glee, as you might have noticed since I haven't mentioned the rest of the cast or anything else than Mr. Colfer's name and figure, but let me take these last lines I've got left from sudden inspiration to give a shout out to Rebel Wilson and Allison Janney, without them to movie would have a few more loose ends ( yes, the movie is filled with clichés and some dialogues are ,you'd say,cringe-worthy, but this is a first effort for Mr. Colfer, so he in the name of Glee and second opportunities gets a pass) , I loved their performances and how mobile they are, from comedy to drama so effortlessly, following the wave.Hope you do like the film and find yourself feeling something at the end of it,whether it's disgust or amusement.