R | 13 May 2011 (USA)
Bridesmaids Trailers

Annie's life is a mess. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian's maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she’ll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far you’ll go for someone you love.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
cerenolcay Definitely one of the best comedy movies I have ever watched!! I really had so much fun while watching it. The B-E-S-T!
cncsurf Fart jokes and toilet humor, while charming and funny for teenage boys. It just doesn't work with a bunch of middle age unattractive loud women. There was not one scene that was funny. I watched with some friends and we all had high hopes for a gross out humor movie like "Bad Santa" or "Bad Teacher" which both featured crude, yet likeable characters. Nothing was funny about this. Nothing at all. No one was laughing. The scenes that were suppose to be funny were so gross and predictable it ranks up with the reprehensible "Freddy Got Fingered." Avoid this movie. It is a 5 minute unfunny SNL skit stretched out to two embarrassing and unbearable hours.
merelyaninnuendo BridesmaidsA smart funny writing filled with semi-comic sequences surprisingly not irrelevant making the audience rooted for the characters; Bridesmaids is a done deal.
Mike Beranek Wow, I'm left having to seriously question my gender after I so much enjoyed watching this comedic tour de force. On a second viewing too I was again crying tears of joy and empathy for the company of girls who pull this off so well. The writing is perfect, and the gross-out slapstick and wisecracks traditionally given to a bunch of dudes are doubly enhanced delivered by this feminine ensemble. Men are very peripheral here - the only more fully-drawn featured fella has to mostly remain on the stage margins. However Chris O'Dowd is perfect as the chatty, selfless but not creepy match for poor Annie. They have such a lovely no frills off-beat romance. This contrasts with the elaborate wedding the movie might appear to be about but of course is not. One cant but wonder if Annie has learned never even to entertain the idea of wedding in the future i.e. on the day she she bags her knight in shining armor. Is this movie devaluing weddings? A bit. Pehaps it's just life events challenge us all and we find ourselves viewing the wedding from Annie's perspective: essentially a loss of a friend with one's youthful hopes & dreams given away to a bland indefinite future. The downward spiraling situation of Annie's played by the waifish Kirsten Wiig serves as the central comedy fulcrum. Her friends are unable to pull her out as she stumbles around and observes so recklessly various absurd truths. She fights a lonely battle trying to stop her friend's wedding becoming a charade masterminded by loathsome Helen Harris the Third. But there's a naive lack of cynicism and mutual high regard in the air so that by the end, miraculously the value of the titular wedding has not been completely undermined, just a little though, quietly upstaged by Annie's unconventional romance. There's numerous mad and funny characters throughout like weird lodger Brynn played by Rebel Wilson. Ultimately it's the cogent story that has the touch of Jane Austin about it, the great bits of dialogue and the star-quality acting that distinguishes this film as top class.