Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect
PG-13 | 28 September 2012 (USA)
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College student Beca knows she does not want to be part of a clique, but that's exactly where she finds herself after arriving at her new school. Thrust in among mean gals, nice gals and just plain weird gals, Beca finds that the only thing they have in common is how well they sing together. She takes the women of the group out of their comfort zone of traditional arrangements and into a world of amazing harmonic combinations in a fight to the top of college music competitions.

Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kimc6106 I'm surprised to see so many reviews of complete disgust for this movie! I can totally understand not loving it to the extent that I do, but to hear reviewers say things like "I would rather have my eye balls ripped out of my head than see this movie ever again" seems REALLY extreme. I'm a big movie person and have only seen a handful of movies THAT bad, and I can't see this being one of them even if it's not your cup of tea. I really liked Anna Kendrick in her awkward roll. I really enjoyed all the music, though I do wish they would have refrained from adding obvious bass and what not and actually stayed true to a capella. I also could have done without the second round of projectile
Davis P Pitch Perfect (2012) is an example of a movie that exists for the sole purpose of entertaining an audience in a really fun way. Almost all movies are meant to entertain in some way, but they differ in how they go about it. Some try to teach lessons and send important messages, where as others are there to make you laugh and feel good, Pitch Perfect is one of the latter. It's not limited to a teenage/young adult audience, but that is the main target audience, and I believe that it's one of the best young adult movies we've seen in a while. It's not just thrown together like a sloppy mess, it's actually very well done. The casting is near perfection, especially Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, and Skylar Astin who are the spirit of the movie in my opinion. The other actors do a great job too, but I thought those three just really shined the brightest. Elizabeth Banks and is hilarious too. The writing is smart, entertaining, and has a funny-sweet tone that really works. I highly suggest this movie for everyone!
merelyaninnuendo Pitch PerfectIt fairly gives enough range for the actors to dive-in but unfortunately that leads into an overlong runtime which may be good for the character but definitely not for the movie.
thekarmicnomad When my girlfriend suggested put this on I mimed blowing my brains out with an imaginary revolver.That was a mistake. This is a great, fun film!An all girl acapella group have to regain their crown by winning a competition. So a motley crew of underdogs is assembled, including our main character, to challenge the superior competition.The characters are heavily stereotyped, and this is the source of a lot of the comedy. I found the characters engaging and lovable, and laughed along with most of the gags. The cynical, misogynistic, judgemental, biased commentators were especially funny.The singing segments are short and sharp and just enough to get your foot tapping without going full blown Mary Poppins.I didn't expect (or particularly want) to enjoy this but I did a lot.My recommendation is that even if this is not your kind of movie force yourself to watch the first fifteen minutes, their is a good chance you will make it to the end with a smile on your face.