Easy A
Easy A
PG-13 | 17 September 2010 (USA)
Easy A Trailers

Olive, an average high school student, sees her below-the-radar existence turn around overnight once she decides to use the school's gossip grapevine to advance her social standing. Now her classmates are turning against her and the school board is becoming concerned, including her favorite teacher and the distracted guidance counselor. With the support of her hilariously idiosyncratic parents and a little help from a long-time crush, Olive attempts to take on her notorious new identity and crush the rumor mill once and for all.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Chandan Kumar Best scene: The Jumping on Bed !! Worst Scene: Dressing Cool.....................Its not another lousy comedy teen flick with lots of skins and Parties , Relying nonsense stuff for laughs. its Just awesome as a whole right from the start to the End.But as in 2018 i had to say its really incredible to see what if Version of "13 reasons why". Here most of the premise focuses on same stuff. As even Olive Suffers same treatment as Hannah Baker Did. but well one is a TV Series, so lot time to explore that & let's Just Be Honest, that Series is Pretty Dark & Heart Wrenching.So Watch it if you want to see How Hannah would have dealt the situation in lighter tone & in Comedic Sense. Be Sure to Check this out.
Rafael Santos Yesterday after watching La La Land (for the 3rd time in my case) with some of my friends in the afternoon, I decided to look for some of old performances of Emma Stone, which in the end led me to this movie. So I fired up my TV along with Netflix, and I settled for a Friday midnight movie session, and here are my little thoughts: First, Emma Stone's performance is indescribably funny. Alright, honestly its Emma Stone's performance and her cuteness 😍 that made me really enjoy watching this film. From singing alone in her bedroom to strutting around in revealing clothing, her hilarious expressions, her comedic timing and the way she articulates her lines, makes this "a worth 2 hours of your life" film. Other than that, I liked the narratives, the humor, the minor plot twists, the location of the film on the nice little town of Ojai, and last and not least the movie soundtrack selection is Superb 👌 In the end this movie is pretty much what you'd expect from a teen comedy film, as the film covers the issues that is known to concern a typical teenager. Conclusion: I thought it would be a boring movie, like a lot of some teen comedies I watched in the past, but I'm actually impressed and i liked it a lot. For those who didn't watched this movie, give it a try.I give it a Solid 7 out of 10PS: And for those wondering what road is in the movie credits, here's the address: Fordyce Rd, Ojai
studioAT Apart from of course 'La La Land' and those dire Woody Allen films she appeared in I haven't seen much of the always lovely Emma Stone's work. 'Easy A' however is a good example of how talented she is.Playing out like an old fashioned farce this film is a lot of fun. It won't be to everyone's taste due to the subject matter, but even then I don't think you can complain too much about the performance Stone gives in the lead. She's funny, she's sexy, she plays the role so well that you almost forgive the slightly questionable nature of what she's up to.Lots of films try to imitate the great John Hughes's 80's comedies like 'Pretty in Pink' ('The Edge of Seventeen' I'm looking at you) but this film does a very good job of gently doffing the cap to them while being its own beast.I enjoyed this film far more than I thought I would, and Emma Stone's portrayal was a big part of that.
zkonedog A few years ago, the movie "Mean Girls" redefined "high school experience" movies. With "Easy A", the "bubblegum" style of "Mean Girls" is replaced with a bit more of a sophisticated style.For a basic plot summary, "Easy A" focuses on high school student Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone), who inadvertently starts a rumor that she slept with a fellow student. When the rumor spreads like wildfire and Olive realizes she cannot contain it, she decides to just go with it and see what happens.When it comes right down to it, "Easy A" strikes a nice balance between ridiculous & cute. At some points you'll just be laughing at Olive's crazy antics, while at other times you might just actually care about her character (a rare feat in a primarily comedic effort).Also, it must be mentioned here that Emma Stone's performance as Olive carries this entire movie. Stone can play sexy, sweet, and everything in between, and her range is on full display in this flick. She is a joy to watch and redeems a plot that gets a bit thin after about the first hour.Overall, "Easy A" is a fun movie if you are interested in high school fare. It tries to be witty, snarky, cute, & even a bit preachy all wrapped up in a single package and, while perhaps not accomplishing any one of those things totally, the combination is enough to warrant a viewing.