The Help
The Help
PG-13 | 10 August 2011 (USA)
The Help Trailers

Aibileen Clark is a middle-aged African-American maid who has spent her life raising white children and has recently lost her only son; Minny Jackson is an African-American maid who has often offended her employers despite her family's struggles with money and her desperate need for jobs; and Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is a young white woman who has recently moved back home after graduating college to find out her childhood maid has mysteriously disappeared. These three stories intertwine to explain how life in Jackson, Mississippi revolves around "the help"; yet they are always kept at a certain distance because of racial lines.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Magsi Rover (magsirover) After watching the full movie in one sitting-- I couldn't help myself but to directly write my thoughts about it. And rarely this happens to me, simply because writing a review for a certain movie would often leave me wondering about what to say about it. However this one, succeeded into making me feel the humor, wonder and closure in one full length film. The Help is as pretty and as lovely as it was engaging for viewers to watch. At first, I didn't really know what to expect, but as the story dived in further, I found myself glued to my seat. Right after, I was informed through the credits that it was based from a novel, which made it all the more exciting. Now, I've gotten myself curious as to how different or similar the book in contrast to the one on screenplay. And to be perfectly honest, if the directors were able to write a screenplay this good, as well as produce a very interesting movie, I think there is a lot more to read about the book. Nonetheless, Emma Stone and the rest of the cast did a wonderful job! And if I must say, if there are any parts of this movie that I've enjoyed the most-- it would be the black american's perspective and the struggle to find strength just to say that one simple word in the face of adversity. "Eat mah sh#$T" Overall: Awesome! Hoping to be able to find more movies like these in the future!
defreitasdr One of the most moving movies of my lifetime - every living person needs to see this movie to at least ground them and make them realise that the world we live in today is not one without struggle.
info-89387 This was a great movie! I'm glad this was made. A good story that needed to be told.
DailyMovieGoer Watched The Help the other night again after first seeing it a half dozen years ago and before so much of the press as of late. The Help tries to hint at the real cultural divide between the black and white communities yet in a very watered down manner, but the focus was spot on regarding where the control really was; the white women. My grandmother grew up in this crowd and played the game well. Had her own man, a grounds keeper and knew how to manage the near enslavement relationship they had at the time. We only knew the man as John; no last name or where he lived or that he even had a family. Then one day, in my home town, during my grandmother's life, a white woman got mad at a black man and over the next few days, every black-owned building and home, about a thousand, was burned to the ground with nearly the same number dead. As our main character was delivering her pie in appeasement to her master, she knew what the downside might be like and she was no fool. While the movie makes her out to be clever and brave, most of the black community of the day was deferential out of necessity for survival.Try not to think of this movie as a real reflection of the time; had it tried to be so, it would never have been released, however, it was a good attempt at starting a conversation of the over-privileged nature, and outright cruelty of the white-woman of the day, which, actually, still persists.