T2 Trainspotting
T2 Trainspotting
R | 31 March 2017 (USA)
T2 Trainspotting Trailers

After 20 years abroad, Mark Renton returns to Scotland and reunites with his old friends Sick Boy, Spud and Begbie.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bfsr81 I watched this movie with low expectations. Most of recent reboots or sequels have really ben very disappointing. But in this case I have to mention that T2 meets expectations for those who loved the first one.The movie old characters are all great in this part, Chemistry is still there and the story has passed as in our real life. The movie also displays perfectly changes in society and scenes, Scotland appears more modern and improved and this is specially delivered in the opening scene when Ewan comes back.The movie displays also a lot of trubites to the music of first part and to characters generation, David Bowies disc, Iggy pop, Radio Gaga in the club ... etc. At the same time delivers new tasted followed by the young generation.In my opinion, the movie has only one weakness, the story itself, I think that while it succeeds in reflecting the developments in the characters life and Scotland, It still has a quite weak story !! What is the Climax in this movie ?!!So, in conclusion, great movie for all the nostalgic, with great performances and reflections of the characters society. The fans will enjoy it, but I think this movie cannot stand by itself and most probably new generations will not enjoy it much.
BrickNash Trainspotting was a defining film for me. It came out in my final year of school and it played a big part in making me want to be a filmmaker.This sequel, although stylishly shot, really doesn't come up to the original's standards, and it's mostly down to the suspension of disbelief being broken through inconsistencies.Begbie suddenly has a family who have sprung up from out of nowhere and I just didn't buy it for one second. The character of Veronika is charming, but she just feels like a hastily re-written replacement for Diane and it would have been far more nostalgic had Kelly MacDonald taken that place as Diane in the film, becasue it seems like most of the conversations that Renton and Veronika have were meant for him and Diane.Apart from that, the pacing feels quite choppy and inconsistent. Bar Sickboy and Renton, the guys don't really hang around together than much in the film, and now that Begbie is pretty much the villain of the piece he is almost totally removed from the group for the majority of the movie, so all that original chemistry feels fractured.Add to this the story about building a sex sauna just isn't interesting and it doesn't come near the original film's pure character struggles with the heavy drug element.It's not a bad film by any means, but it lacks the absorbing grab factor of the original, and while there are moments of greatness, it's just lost in a pretty bland story with weak motivations and a inconsistent narrative, most of which feels forced. It felt like they had a decent idea but had to re-write bits and then cram it in to a sub standard reason to have them all together again.Worth a look for sure, but for me it falls short.
fedor8 So Begbie escapes from prison, but then just moves around Edinburgh free as a bird, as if the city is completely devoid of cops. And while making tons of enemies, it occurs to none of them to simply make a phone call to the authorities.Hm, yes, a well thought-out script. Pity Boyle settled for the first draft. As so often.A lazily cobbled-together script in the sloppiest Boyle fashion. It's as if he had the idea of doing a sequel on a Tuesday and had the first draft ready by Friday. That same Friday, not a Friday 15 fridays later as the more wise, conventional approach to film-making is. Because as a film-maker Boyle is an impulsive slob. He's got talent, but very little discipline with which to channel it properly. God only knows how he ever managed to write a good script that first time around, for the first junkie flick. Perhaps he got lucky, or maybe he was more hungry for success as a relative unknown hence more focused. Admittedly, it's also easier to start a story from scratch than to have to continue it 23 years later. Or is it the other way round?Either way, the characters' motives are muddy, confusing, their actions often seem out of character, and the plot fairly wasteful with plenty of stuff that could easily have been cut out, because comedies should last 90 minutes, not the full two hours because they're not James Bond flicks.One of the many plot-holes is the mysterious non-interest Renton and Simon show in the fact that Begbie is still out seeking revenge, and yet the two of them get caught off-guard by Begbie's extremely predictable second attempt at getting his revenge. So Renton didn't worry about Begbie after that close chase? That's the kind of writing geared toward more, how shall I put it diplomatically... "simply-arranged" viewers, not the kind of nonsense that can pass by the customs though of any half-way serious and/or experienced viewer. Yes, I'm bragging again, what the hell, it's The Age Of Brag, so I might as well join in. Yes, I'm too smart for this film.And how about the Bulgarian hooker-with-the-heart-of-gold? What a dumb cliche that is, not a real person in the slightest, hence very dull. Not to mention the predictable betrayal she perpetrates that any viewer with half a brain-cell could foresee, which means I expect every single person to have predicted that "plot-twist" well in advance. Unless they were doing the same substances as these junkie goofball characters.The movie has no spunk, it looks tired, just seems like a quick cash-grab by a director who figured that a half-attempt is more than enough when attached to a famous title. He may have been right, I don't know, haven't seen the box-office figures.If you are quite content to watch badly scripted films - as long as they entertain you - feel free to give this a go. But then again, that's the other issue: it's not very entertaining, is it? I found myself fidgety through large chunks of the film, and that's sort of not what real entertainment is about.
garyarmstrong-78424 Was really looking forward to this but the movie just left me feeling utterly let down,bad writing and screenplay shocking really,it wouldnt have been hard to come up with a convincing story with a few laughs but movie was just flat, i give it a generous 2. how on earth it has all these 10 ratings in unbelieveable must be people involved in this turd. lets hope the new bond movie isnt anything like this toilet deposit