A Cure for Wellness
A Cure for Wellness
R | 17 February 2017 (USA)
A Cure for Wellness Trailers

An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious "wellness center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that the spa's miraculous treatments are not what they seem.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Justin Easton There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
blakegill The cinematography was stunning! Beautiful locations and amazingly creative shots awed me multiple times throughout the film. While the story itself reminded me of other films it kept me watching until the very end. I was a bit confused with the overall premise but definitely thought the film was worth watching! Maybe even a second time to connect the dots.
Lakisha Ferguson My sister saw this in theaters and didn't understand it so we both decided to watch it for clarification(my 1st viewing). Let's jus say I wss not impressed. I feel like the main character had numerous times to get away yet he continued to go back to the hospital! I wasn't a fan at all, it was suspenseful or interesting. Then the final 20 30 mins jus made my head do a double take! Plus my sister fell asleep so... Yea no clarifying for her!
strike-1995 Too many tropes on display in this film. It's shutter island without the Scorsese.
Mike_Devine Gore Verbinski has demonstrated time and time again that he can deliver films that strike a chord with the general moviegoing audience. From the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise to the original horror hit 'The Ring,' he's had an understanding of what will resonate and thrill many. In 'A Cure for Wellness,' Verbinski aims high but unfortunately misses the mark.'Wellness' starts out with an interesting premise - a young executive at a financial services firm must travel to a secluded, exclusive resort in the Swiss Alps to retrieve his company's CEO after it becomes impossible to reach him. Sure, this is mysterious and sets us up for what could be a pretty chilling series of events, but as many films tend to do, this one suffers from mediocre execution.What 'Wellness' has working for it is the picturesque scenery and beautiful cinematography. The thing is shot very well, and even the dreary, clinical interior shots within the "resort" are surprisingly cool. There are also plenty of unsettling things that transpire throughout the film, and while this is far from a traditional horror movie, it definitely has enough substance to play tricks on your mind. However, this is pretty much where the positives end.One of the biggest misses 'Wellness' has is with the execution of the story. The "twist" that is revealed in the climax can be seen from miles and miles away, even before subtle bread crumbs are dropped in the second act. This predictability distracts from the rest of the film, and it's hard to concentrate on each scene once this gets in your mind. There's also the hollow acting from Dane DeHaan - who proves once again that his wooden performance can take away from a film. To be fair, Mia Goth does not do much better. When weighing all of this together, it's clear that what could have been a great suspense effort actually collapses under its own weight.Verbinski should be encouraged to do more films in the vein of 'A Cure for Wellness,' but he should also learn from its shortcomings before doing so.
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