R | 28 September 1984 (USA)
Impulse Trailers

After a small earthquake in a small and quiet town, local citizens start to have a bizarre, violent and self-destructive behavior...

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
PeterMitchell-506-564364 Now for something completely different. I didn't know what to make of this film when I first saw it, back in 86'. I was surprised too that Tim Matheson was in this, after remembering his grand comic role in Up The Creek. Even though I loved this movie, because you didn't know what crazy thing was gonna happen next, where it's story sucked in, you so desperately wanted to know why these people were acting so crazy, when being told it's reasons at the end, I found it just too hard to buy. I'll never forget the snapping back finger scene in the bar, by that guy who didn't like having to wait, to have a chance to dance with Tilly. What you learn at the end, was that aerial spraying that still happens today, contaminated this milk at this plant, where there was an earthquake prior. Matheson drinks the milk that has this toxic substance. His Girlfriend, Tilly doesn't, but her brother, a younger Bill Paxton and the father do. Aha. It was just too much to buy that something like happening, could send people into such hysteric and violent states, as if acting on impulse, may'be the most dangerous emotion, where rational thought takes a backseat. The destructive and violent acts shown in the movie, some quite frightening, are impactful. This movie's a good watch, mainly 'cause it's different, if unique. Even the sex scene between Tilly and Matheson, where things hotted up, got frightening, when I first watched it. But remember, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I love the realization Matheson made when he found the spark of his violent acts, like a swell of relief one would say, amidst all the madness we saw prior. The end too worked well, this time the credits, unaccompanied by music, but a howl of wind, Tilly, standing forlorn, and resolute. The fight must on, as life.
vanfolc Im not a big Tim Matheson fan but i have to admit i liked this film.It was dark and a small bit disturbing with some scenes a bit edgy,i don't know were to classify this film its a bit SF and a bit horror slash thriller.I saw this at about 2.00am or so on my local channel there was nothing else on so i decided to watch it.If you have not seen this film id recommend it its not really that bad,the characters are interesting enough but not really explored to their full potential which could have made this film even more better.I don,t know if this film went to the cinema but it felt like it was made for TV or went straight to video,i for one would buy this if it,s on DVD it fits well with my type of film and has a small bit of the X-FILES story attached to it.Government undertakings or shifty corporations involved in dodgy shadowy dealings.Overall a good film.
ritaskeeter-1 OK, first of all, ignore the last person' review. They admit to falling asleep through it so it's no wonder they didn't understand what was going on!!! As thriller/horrors go, this film ain't too bad, it is certainly very watchable. Right from the opening scenes you get a general idea exactly what is going to be the cause of all the craziness that follows, and come the end you are proved right with everything being made clear.I enjoyed this movie, it was quite eerie at times and as old films go it was passable. Great to watch late at night! I give it a generous 7 out of 10.
genxjeff I think that that creator(s) of this film's concept deserves a lot more accolades than they probably ever received. It isn't an Oscar caliber film of course, but, at least for me, this film has left a lasting impression since I first saw it back in 1984 (in the theatre). I don't think this is (and hope it isn't) a spoiler, but: imagine acting on your impulses. Doing the first thought that pops into your head, saying the first words on your lips... No restraint, no conscious, nothing holding you back from saying or doing the things that, as intelligent adults, we know we shouldn't actually say or do. If anything, this film only scratches the surface - It doesn't go as far as it could go. In a time when Hollywood seems obsessed with remaking older "classics" to try and cash in on today, wouldn't it be nice to see them remake an older film of modest success, for the sake of taking it to the next level? A bit further, or even to explore what the original crew didn't, wouldn't or couldn't deal with 20 years ago? That's just my opinion anyway. :o)