Tulpa - Demon of Desire
Tulpa - Demon of Desire
| 25 August 2012 (USA)
Tulpa - Demon of Desire Trailers

Lisa Boeri is at the top of her corporate career. At night she frequents the notorious Club Tulpa, owned by a mysterious Tibetan guru. Unshackled from repression and guilt, Lisa will do anything with any stranger to attain a higher consciousness. However, when her lovers start getting murdered in shocking ways, Lisa can’t go to the police because the scandal would impact her day job. Foolishly she tries to unmask the assassin herself, with truly nightmarish consequences.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Gian1150 Someone here said that this movie was one of the worst films of all time. Well, I don't thing it's really the worst, although for sure there is a lot of crap in Italian cinema, I mean in every genre: I thing it is very difficult to decide which is the worst. It's a fight to the death, there at the bottom! In my opinion, Tulpa is quite good in creating some "giallo" atmosphere, even if the narration shows plot holes. But what's important is the feeling that audience gets. The actors act very bad in real life situation (it seems they are reading their lines, not acting), but are better in the horror/giallo one, probably because of the script, absolutely trite, boring, not plausible and trivial in the office part. The director follows the footsteps of Dario Argento in a very specific genre and quite succeeds. The musical score is good, too.The main character Claudia Gerini is an extremely beautiful woman, even in her 40s and after 2 sons - just (a little) extra weight on her hips, to be honest. But she cannot resist; has to be naked, at all costs, even if many people do appreciate her even totally dressed. You know, the call of the wild for nowadays actresses: breasts are displayed like you show a new haircut. The (very, very) weird thing – for me - is that she was directed by her real partner in life (they have a child), the (good) musician/director Zampaglione. Putting your (wonderful) wife naked, in an orgy scene! It is simulated, obviously (BTW, the scene is not vulgar and well filmed), but her body is touched by other people, kissed by another woman (maybe friend?) or another man (maybe unknown). Can you imagine? I cannot. I'm very open minded, but I find this very awkward. Perhaps I'm too old.
HumanoidOfFlesh Claudia Gerini plays Lisa Boeri,a successful business woman who is also a member of an exclusive club in which people are having sex with multiple partners in order to reach a higher level of consciousness.But people with whom Lisa had sexual encounters begin to die viciously murdered by a killer dressed in black.It's up for Lisa to track the killer down.Federico Zampaglione's "Tulpa - Perdizioni Mortali" is a pretty vicious and bloody Italian neo-giallo scripted by Dardano Sacchetti.The film has some obvious references to Dario Argento's "Tenebre" or "Inferno" and Sergio Martino's early 70's gialli.The killings are stylish and brutal and there is plenty of sex and nudity.Unfortunately there are some dull scenes and the dialogue is horrible at times.7 hungry rats out of 10.
markgordonpalmer TULPA (2012) No giallo, or few, have ever really featured stunning dialogue and wonderful scripts.This was no exception. But the scenes in the s&m club, the odd occult barman, doorman (or door hermaphrodite) and general sense of unease were rewarding. Set in the world of big corporate business, someone is bumping off the boardroom at unnerving frequency. The manner of the deaths of the sharp-suited girls and boys, is dreadful - strung up on a merry-go ride with barbed wire hanging at the edges or locked in a box cut and bruised with a few hungry rats to gnaw away the hours with (in a lovely touch, the unseen man in the box is forgotten about until the end credits, when we go back to him as if we have just remembered there's someone left to save). The film has a witty edge that could be mistaken for being entirely serious - hence some laughs in the audience at FrightFest. Giallo, as a genre, is often at its best when playful and painful in equal measure. This film clearly riffs on classic Italian horror director Dario Argento's work. Interestingly, Argento himself at the start of the festival in an onstage Q&A mentioned that many directors copy his style, sometimes good (as in Black Swan), sometimes really bad. Tulpa I think does reference classic Italian giallo with reverence and good effect, although few crime films are ever much good set in a corporate environment. When Tulpa breaks free from this environment, there's a lot more fun to be had, especially in the warren-like red light-bathed sex club or just escaping up trees in the Italian countryside in the dark. I liked the way the killer grew more and more unhinged like their world was crumbling, about to be found out. I never would have guessed who the killer was. But then, I was having too much fun with the killer's nice (if a little weird) side to suspect.Giallos have featured the occult before, but this one was still a refreshing homage to Hitchcock and Argento and everyone else inbetween -and the cheer when you know who (the odd chap) saved you know who (the pretty one) from you know who (the killer) - wow! That strange bloke needs his own show..mark gordon palmer
davidwright2673 Take a video camera, any will do, new or old, it doesn't matter. Then assemble a group of strangers, give them no plot or script to work from and film them. Whatever the outcome of this endeavor the chances are you will surpass Tulpa in style, complexity and your actor's performances.Tulpa is without doubt one of the worst films ever. Acting so wooden it makes Haydn Christensen's turn as Anakin Skywalker look as complex and multi-faceted as Al Pacino's in the Godfather Part II. A script so bad that it contains the line, "For your information I work in IT", although the delivery and context of this made it one of the funniest scenes committed to film this year.The first post credits scene of a business meeting written via what must have been a copy of meeting buzz words for idiots is hilarious, with the head of the company, who is the sleazy love child of Silvio Berlusconi and Alan Sugar, telling his management team that one of them must go.The sex club run by the weirdo in white gloves does more for promoting abstinence than anything right wing Christians can cook up with him constantly imploring our heroine to "Release her Tulpa". I have wasted hours of my life watching this so you don't have to. Heed my warning and keep your Tulpa where it is!