Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
R | 27 January 2005 (USA)
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David Callaway tries to piece together his life in the wake of his wife's suicide and has been left to raise his nine-year-old daughter, Emily on his own. David is at first amused to discover that Emily has created an imaginary friend named 'Charlie', but it isn't long before 'Charlie' develops a sinister and violent side, and as David struggles with his daughter's growing emotional problems, he comes to the frightening realisation that 'Charlie' isn't just a figment of Emily's imagination.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
tangreat-bk The only reason I watched this movie was because I'm a huge fan of Robert De Niro and wondered what would he be like in a horror movie.Overall it's a decent watch.It's well crafted, well performed (both by De Niro and Fanning) and to a point well written. It builds up the tension slowly but surely and focuses on the character relationships.But it's not a smooth sail. The movie suddenly falls apart in the third act due to a nonsense twist whose only ambition is to shock the viewer. Needless to say it doesn't work at all and doesn't even fit in with what happened with the first two acts of the movie. Left a bad taste with me.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Hide And Seek is an effectively disconcerting horror yarn that met some nasty reviews and and deflated box office expectations. It's perhaps not the white knuckle blast of terror that people were hoping for, and more of a slow burn as far as pacing goes, but the scares lie in the mounting sense of unease and atmospherics, which work well enough for me. If I recall correctly there are a few cheap and tawdry jump scares that are almost always false alarms in these type of films, but hey, nobody's perfect. Robert Deniro under plays the part of a grieving widower trying to pick up the pieces after his wife's suicide, with a growing concern from his daughter (a goth-ed out Dakota Fanning) who doesn't seem to be taking the residual trauma very well. She has an eerie imaginary friend named Charlie, whose behaviour is a huge cause for alarm, not those mention the girl's mental well being. Famke Janssen warmly plays her doctor, who is subject to Dakota's violent outbursts which she vehemently pins on this Charlie piece of work. It's brash, sensationalistic and loves it's premise maybe a bit too much, pounding each plot point in with the subtlety of a steamroller. That's not to say it's not entertaining, there's some dark thrills here and there and it's shot wonderfully to give us some spooky visuals and drab, ominous frames. Fanning does what she can and holds up her end well, Deniro is solid, if a little strained. There's also work from Elizabeth Shue, Dylan Baker, Robert John Burke, Melissa Leo and Max Payne himself, James McCaffrey. Sure it ain't great, but it's still in the margins of a solid horror thriller, and is at its best when the atmospherics kick in.
marsmitchell79 Some movies--not all--are like connected links in a chain; if you break one, then the whole movie falls apart. Thrillers are one of those kinds of movies. This movie has two of those when it cannot afford one: (1) If Charlie is Emily's dad and she knows who he is all along, then why doesn't she appear overjoyed to be in Charlie's(her dad: David's) presence when she is pleased with Charlie earlier? She instead acts as if her dad is a her dad rather than a friend. (2) How can Charlie be in Emily's closet when David is in another room when Charlie scares David's girlfriend out the window? Pretty good movie without those SERIOUSLY CRITICAL flaws mucking this one up.
dashielle89-425-132181 I'm not going to go defending this film and say its a great movie or anything like that, because it definitely has many faults, but I found it entertaining enough to like it. Sure the "twist" wasn't executed very well, the end wasn't very good, nor was it an original idea, but the first half of the movie was done well, the acting was better than most, and the atmosphere/score managed to be somewhat creepy. No film is perfect, so despite its flaws, it kept me interested and watching until the end. It is about psychologist and his daughter moving into the country to start a new life after the suicide of his wife, however it seems his daughter creates a disturbing new imaginary friend to cope with her loss. Though it turns out her new friend Charlie may actually be real. It's good to watch when you're in the mood for a thriller type movie. Nothing groundbreaking here, and doesn't require a lot of thought, but a fun watch none the less.