The Big Bounce
The Big Bounce
PG-13 | 30 January 2004 (USA)
The Big Bounce Trailers

A small-time con artist and a Hawaiian real estate developer's mischievous, enterprising mistress team up for a potential $200,000 score.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Takeshi-K This movie is far better than the rating it has on this site, although I think I know why. As far as light entertainment goes, its silly and fun. Owen and Freeman are both great, Sarah Foster is gorgeous and Charlie Sheen puts in a good turn as an inept part time thief. Its fun right up until, the non existent ending. The movie just ends suddenly not really explaining anything or tying up any loose ends. The dialog and music builds up to imply a twist ending, but it comes to nothing as the film abruptly ends. Maybe they ran out of money? The movie is set in and was shot in Hawaii so maybe the crew thought they'd prematurely hit some wrap party hash pipe and go sleep it off down at the beach. The movie is pretty good up until then though.
Python Hyena The Big Bounce (2004): Dir: George Armitage / Cast: Owen Wilson, Morgan Freeman, Sara Foster, Charlie Sheen, Gary Sinise: Nobody really makes a big bounce in this film. That is not to say that it doesn't have entertainment quality. It has a catchy premise and several plot turns that play around trust and betrayal. What works against it is its methods of paying off crime. Director George Armitage presents beautiful Hawaiian photography. He previously made Grosse Pointe Blank, another film that featured a young anti-hero caught up in crime. This is not much of an advancement. Owen Wilson is appealing as a con man working a construction job that is being protested by locals. He spent time in jail for break and enter, and he also decks a construction supervisor with a baseball bat. Morgan Freeman steals scenes as a judge who takes interest in him. Sara Foster plays a schemer who seduces Wilson into stealing $200, 000. Other roles are either pointless or underused. Charlie Sheen for example, is amusing as a foreman but more might have benefited him. In other roles are Gary Sinise who is underused and Vinnie Jones who is totally unnecessary. This is a great cast with mixed results in terms of who benefits and who is underused. Very light weight comedy with its moments of comic bliss but it is no big bounce. It does contain several little bounces though. Score: 5 ½ / 10
karimmerchant-1 You'd think when Owen Wilson and Morgan Freeman would get together, you would have a witty script, good acting and a storyline to match. Forget it, this movie was probably an attempt by the cast to get a free vacation and get paid for it. The acting is terrible (Wilson is possibly the only bearable one), Freeman especially, and the storyline is plain ridiculous. Dolph Lundgren and Van Damme could have acted in the movie and it couldn't get worse. The movie is set in Hawaii with Wilson a con-man trouble maker that gets mixed up with the wrong people. Freeman, a judge who comes to become Wilson's buddy tries to help change his ways but once a con-man, always a con-man Wilson can't keep his feet out of trouble for too long.
Chrysanthepop Considering the cast and the fact that it was an Elmore Leonard adaptation, I wanted to see this flick. However, it was disappointing. The film (though very small) moved at an extremely lethargic pace with hardly anything happening (except in the last 5 minutes or something). I haven't read Leonard's book so I can't comment on how fair it was to the script. There isn't much of a story as pretty much nothing happens in more than half the movie. The non-compelling ending is very badly written and we are left to figure out the plot holes. Why just the ending, the whole film is boring. The dialogues are, now I don't use this word often but, lame. A few funny moments include the breaking in the cops house, the fight between Sheen and Wilson while the girl watches.Sadly, the cast has been wasted. Wilson and Foster have no chemistry. Being a talented actor, Wilson deserves a better movie. Poor Morgan Freeman hardly has anything to do except utter a few wise (not really) words. Sheen and Sinise have insignificant roles. Newarth springs a surprise but is hardly there. Foster is alright.On the flip side, the cinematography gives us a wonderful tour through exotic Hawaii. It makes me want to go there and at times, I thought maybe the director and cast just happened to be there on holiday and decided to make a film. The soundtracks quite okay too. Thankfully it's a short film too so one not need to suffer too much. Even to fans of the cast and Leonard, this will be a disappointment.
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