The Last Run
The Last Run
| 01 January 2004 (USA)
The Last Run Trailers

When a young accountant is devastated after discovering his inspiringly beautiful girlfriend is cheating on him, his best friend, who's engaged to a girl he doesn't love, convinces him to go on a "run" and sleep with as many women as he can to get over his heart break.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
aimless-46 Rebecca: This is so bad it's almost good.Enid: This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.If the Mitchell Brothers were looking for a sure-fire tax loss they might have cranked out a movie like "The Last Run" (2004). They would have taken perverse amusement from plugging a has-been child-star into a grind-house level comedy. Fred Savage was always more narrator than actor and the movie's voice-over commentary probably seemed like a good fit.Unfortunately the script is moronic even by Mitchell Brothers standards and there are no likely "Ivory Snow" mothers in the cast; the women in this movie look like aging escort service girls lured out of a local AA meeting or bowling alley. You know these marginal actresses are high mileage because the script calls for the male characters to incessantly discuss how young and beautiful they are.It does have a pre-"Enchanted" (and then unknown) Amy Adams in the cast. You mostly know this because she gets top billing on the 2007 promotional poster and DVD package (a marketing thing); although she is only in about 10% of the footage, and even then as secondary player in the scenes. During her brief appearances she is responsible for the films only funny moments; not because of what she says but because of the way she says it. She has enough natural comedic talent to make something out of nothing even in a crash-and-burn turkey like "The Last Run". Unless you absolutely have to see everything Adams has appeared in, there is no reason to seek out this DVD.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
Hotchkil I guess a lot of people loved this movie too because after days of waiting for it to be returned to the Blockbuster shelves, I finally got my hands on it last night. I invited friends over, made a large tub of popcorn, and opened a few bottles of wine. First off we were so excited to see the all grown up Fred Savage. Not only did the writers script the male characters exactly how they are in NYC, they made a movie that boyfriends will not complain about watching with their girlfriends. Line after line, scene after scene, my friends and I could relate! It was like a chick flick for guys! It reminded me of Knocked Up, but I thought this movie was funnier. Pure genius. What a great movie!!! Definitely watch this one, you'll love it!!
kautrey-2 the Last Run, is a comedy about this man who loses his girlfriend of 3 years, due to the fact that she's been cheating on him. The only way he can get her out of his mind is to go on a run of sleeping with as many women as he can. What turns out bad for Stephen Goodson (Fred Savage)is he becomes so reliant on sex that he can't even see love right in front of his face. And it's not until a trip to rehab classes and the advice of a 9 years old does Stephen realize that he needs to find away to make things right.Not recommended for a date movie because the romance scenes are few and far between but this is a pretty good movie if your a Savage fan. 7 out of 10 stars!!
filmfreak69-1 I heard about this movie, and now that I've finally seen it, "The Last Run" is better than I even imagined. I saw "Knocked Up" with my girlfriend the day it opened and thought that was the funniest movie I'd seen in a while. But "The Last Run" was even funnier! Fred Savage is classic, Steven Pasquale is ten times better than Paul Rudd, and Amy Adams has never looked better. "The Last Run" is smart and edgy and the writing is incredibly sharp. This is a movie that should have been released on 3000 screens and grossed $100 million. I'm going to watch it again and again because there are so many lines that are sure to become classics. I hope that this movie gives Fred Savage a whole new career because his talents as a comedic actor have been overlooked. Whatever movies you rent this summer, make sure "The Last Run" is on your list.