R | 05 May 2006 (USA)
Three Trailers

After a yachting accident, a millionaire and his wife are shipwrecked on a desert island along with their former deckhand, Manuel.

Micitype Pretty Good
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
weezeralfalfa I enjoyed this very controversial film, in a romantic setting, and forgive most of the faults that others have pointed out. It somewhat reminds me of the 1957 movie "Paradise Lagoon". In both cases, we have a pleasure yacht filled with vacationers, that sinks. Some of the people manage to survive to wash up on the shore of a deserted tropical island. The main point of both films is that the low man, in status, in the conventional world, becomes the hero under the primal conditions, with his practical skills in providing shelter and food without a lot work, or much to work with. Hence, he is now considered the alpha male by the young woman(Kelly) or women, who swoon in his presence. Eventually, the other man(men) catches on and becomes somewhat useful. In this film, Manuel fills the role of the man with more practical skills, while Kelly's husband, Jack, comes across as less skilled in basic survival technology, and thus is envious. Besides, Manuel is more handsome than Jack and is Kelly's age, whereas Jack is considerably older, Kelly being like a trophy wife. However, Jack arrived on the island several days later(where had he been?), in rather bad shape. Thus, he didn't get the same opportunity to show what he could do in survival skills......I would like to discuss in some detail several controversial scenes.......The voodoo shenanigans of Manuel's angry shorebound girlfriend appear in 3 places, and many reviewers believe they should not have been included. These seem to prejudice Manuel toward making a bad mistake. Early in the film, an angry Manuel makes a crucial mistake in throwing a paper towel behind him, not noticing that it landed on a lite gas burner, starting a fire that consumed the entire yacht, resulting in many deaths. In the second instance, we see a number of flashes of his girlfriend just prior to his accidental death, in a fight to the death with Jack. You may not believe in the power of voodoo, but that is the reason it is included, like it or not.....In the rape scene, Kelly runs into the water after livid Manuel, who is carrying his fishing spear and hoping to catch Jack, who stole his goggles so that he could be successful in catching reef fish. When she catches him, he throws down his spear and begins chasing-wrestling with her as they move toward the shore. Near the edge of the shore, he pulls her down and lays on her, despite her objections. He pulls down her bikini bottom, and begins thrusting. By this time, Kelly has given up resisting, and seems to enjoy it, despite her fear of her husband's response. Very sexy! Afterward, she seems not angry, if regretful. Now, she sees herself as more Manuel's woman, rather than Jack's. I think, in part, Manuel's action is a way of getting back at Jack for stealing his goggles......Should Kelly have told the rescuers that husband Jack was also on the island, if off fishing on the reef? Technically, of course, she should have. However, she and Jack were not on good terms. I think she just wanted to escape the whole scene, including Jack, whom she blamed for Manuel's death. The fact that she took Jack's cigarette lighter, he used to start fires, suggests she wished he would die on the island(OK, he should have run out of lighter fluid long ago!)......Yes, the whole segment involving Jack finding a small boat with a sizable hole in it, and towing it to shore by its tow rope, is absurd. He supposedly fixed it up some, without tools, and added some features, hoping to sail it to some inhabited place. As Kelly and Manuel discovered, when they stole the boat, Jack's patch up job didn't last long. Fortunately, they were close enough to shore to swim back. Did Jack hope they would steal the boat and drown? Not the way he ran after them as they launched the boat. But, once it was launched, I'm sure he wished this would happen......This film is frequently seen on late night TV, and is available for free at YouTube. Kelly, of course, is a joy to fill the screen, oozing sexiness, in or without, her bikini.
edenney01 (I really wouldn't consider anything in this post as a spoiler, certainly nothing that would ruin the movie, but some editor from IMDb might disagree and blacklist me, so here's your spoiler warning to cover my rear end. That said, nothing in my review is going to spoil anything or give away the ending, so feel free to read on if you haven't seen the movie yet. Certainly the short, one sentence tag line for the movie on IMDb gives a LOT more away!) This movie has virtually no redeeming qualities, except Billy Zane's acting and Kelly Brooks' natural "gifts" (and I'm certainly not referring to her acting ability). If you want to see a movie that makes you feel gross and dirty, where the "bad guy" (metaphorically) wins, then this is the movie for you. Aside from being well endowed and great to look at, Kelly Brooks' character just totally disgusts me, as does the worthless Latin lover that conveniently winds up on the island with her and her husband. I definitely did NOT like the ending at all, and it no doubt contributes to the barely 5.0 rating it currently has on IMDb. It should've ended about 10 minutes sooner when the slut and her new beau try to leave her husband stranded alone on the island, after he'd seemingly worked for hours and hours on a means of escape (no spoilers here). The whole voodoo thing was just absurd and contributed nothing at all to the movie.The only character that I can empathize with is Billy Zane's character, but somehow he's made out to be a villain, apparently because he's not screwing anybody's else's wife, doesn't want anybody else screwing his, and has the gall to be upset when his wife quite willingly and intentionally bangs another guy right in front of him. Who needs wedding vows anyway right? I can only imagine that the script (or book if there was one) was written by some jilted woman that was cheated on by her ex husband, dreamed of getting even, and loves Harlequin Romance novels. That's the way it plays out... like a Harlequin romance novel on a desert island, with an inconvenient husband getting in the way of a wife that dreams of banging a hot, young, Latin guy.Oh and by the way, apparently people on desert islands don't need nearly as much water as people living on the rest of the planet, but they do need an awful lot of food, since they only take a few swigs off of some coconuts, and drink a little rain water that they catch the ONE time it rains on the island in the entire movie. In the real world they'd each need at least 15-20 coconuts a day without any fresh water, and I certainly didn't see them fashioning a simple desalinization still. From that standpoint the movie was about as realistic as Gilligan's Island. Someone might say that's just nitpicking, but then they shouldn't have devoted roughly half the movie to finding food if such things didn't really matter, and after all it IS titled "Survival Island". In short, if you just was to see Kelly Brooks topless and don't care about a good script, good acting, or a good ending, then by all means watch this. Otherwise, find something else. And if you still want to see Kelly Brooks topless, you can just save yourself about an hour and a half by just Googling the phrase. No doubt there are plenty of screen caps from the movie readily available.
Sa Ahm It seemed one of the most unjust movie endings i've encountered. all of them there were cruel, but i guess the least evil is done mostly by jack, whilst the most evil was jennifer. undoubtedly jack was over-paranoid initially, but she brought all his initial paranoia into reality eventually with the persistent influence of manuel; Jennifer and manuel, they stole the boat jack found, brought up and fixed, and then left him to die saying 'i don't care'...whereas right after the boat sunk and she swam back ashore, the first thing she says,"son of a b****, you tried to kill us jack, how could you do that?!"; hahaa, really funny LoL! it seems, even after a year, jennifer is lying comfortable on the beach, while jack is struggling to hunt food for both of them, i.e. jack has been keeping her completely in convenience for a year or so, and she laughed at him on the rescued boat...hahaa; there were many more unfair perception alike. i myself imagined some bit more alternate fair endings, and i found all of those alternate endings funny, just, and deserving..... 3/10 for the unjust viewpoints and ending (and also adding that irrelevant voodoo crap).
xerium By far this has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. I watch practically every movie that is on at night (either showtime, hbo, cinemax, etc). "Three" AKA "Survivor Island" keeps you in as much suspense as watching paint dry only to let you down even more miserably. If you want to feel like you just wasted what seems like an eternity on the worst film ever created then by all means watch this movie. I must have screamed at a minimum 900 times from the idiotic twists. If I had 4 hands I'd give this movie 4 thumbs DOWN.In my personal opinion, I believe the only people who would like this movie are those with terrible morals.