Judas Kiss
Judas Kiss
R | 23 April 1999 (USA)
Judas Kiss Trailers

The shooting of a U.S. senator's wife raises the stakes for kidnappers seeking a hefty ransom for a computer magnate.

FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
alanfreak It's not easy to find Judas Kiss on VHS (it's not available on DVD), but I wanted to add this rather obscure movie to my Alan Rickman movie collection.I can't understand how the talented Mr. Rickman gets into these mediocre films? Judas Kiss boasts several wonderful actors, an interesting plot and intriguing twists, but its strange visual wanderings and chopping editing ruined what might have been a great crime drama. Many scenes seem to be missing vital information to explain the character's actions: Why was our hero immediately suspicious of his bosses? Why did he mistrust the detective he replaced? There were times when I honestly couldn't tell if the director meant Judas Kiss to be a legitimate crime drama or a campy spoof. Why else would he toss in a topless/alien/lesbian porno scene in the first two minutes (that little surprise certainly made me scramble for the remote since my kids were playing nearby!)? Did he purposely instruct his two distinguished English actors (Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson) to use such awful New Orlean's accents? As an Alan Freak, I confess that I still thought Mr. Rickman was sexy: in a rumpled, weary, "take-him-home-and-tuck-him-in" sort of way.Judas Kiss isn't a great movie, but it does have some intriguing moments, but I don't recommend it unless you're trying to immerse yourself in Alan Rickman.
xlestia Crime drama has never been my thing. The only reason I even bothered with this film can be summed up in two words: Alan Rickman. As much as I have been impressed with other films featuring this exotic actor, if his on-screen career were a suburbanite neighborhood, this little fleck of mud in your eye would have been the foul-mouthed, vexed-at-the-world, everyone-is-going-to-pay teenage kid on the block. Rickman's darkly enchanting mastery of his craft -- as it sadly often is on-screen -- is scathingly underutilized here, punctuated appropriately by his lack of screen time. Due to a plot so shallow and used-up that it insults the average intelligence of protists, Rickman's performance can be synopsized as cardboard at best, with the screenplay allowing for none of the passion, power and poignant wit that are his trademark. The only ray of light in this pit of a production is the sheer rapier wit contained in the rapid-fire, super statirical banter between Emma Thompson and Rickman, whom,historically are pure poetry together on film.Overall this film is infused with excessive and non-contextual graphic sexual content from the first frame to the last. Overt exposition of the female anatomy and depiction or implication thereof in various compromising positions are the only selling points this otherwise impotent creature possesses. I can only echo the sentiment that this type of crime-drama has been more tastefully rendered in days past. Order take-out, but skip this losing proposition of a movie and splurge for a pint of Ben & Jerry's instead. ('Chunky Monkey' goes great with Chinese.)
campblood13 First off, this film is effective all the way through. There are so many good actors in this film it's hard to know where to begin. The four kidnappers work well together on screen. The best part of the movie for me would have to be when Coco is talking about the time her and Junior had met, trapped in a meat freezer. A song by "The Cure" is playing that has "just like a dream" in the chorus, don't know the actual name, but it is very romantic. When Junior is giving her oral sex while she is holding herself up in the air by a meat hook, it is so romantic. She says "I can't even look at a steak now without getting wet". On to Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson who as two law enforcement employees, have some innocent romantic moments of their own. Hal Holbrook gives a good performance as the revenge minded senator. Anyway, this movie has a lot going for it. I am surprised with so many good actors this movie doesn't have a bigger following. I am a big Carla Gugino fan, and she is hot is this one, even though maybe only a nanosecond of her fabulous breasts. Enjoy 6/10
Trinity83-2 I admit it;I bought this movie because Alan Rickman is in it, and I'm a huge fan of his. But I was surprised by the whole film. I got a little worried when the first scene I saw was a lesbian porn-movie, but that was soon forgotten. The plot is good, and I was totally into it from the first minute. The camera's been used to give you a kind of stressed feeling, and I think I got a little stressed with the characters. This movie left me staring blankly at the screen first time I watched it, and I wasn't sure what I'd just seen. Now that I've seen it a couple of time, though, I think it's a great film. I couldn't help but notice how much Rickman's character, David Friedman, resembles John Rebus (books by Ian Rankin). The same sarcastic, dry humor. Old battered car. Divorced, one daughter. Likes to do things his own way, and doesn't let a beating stop him. The only thing I slightly disliked about this movie was that you felt like you were thrown into the last episode of a tv show, not knowing what had been going on before. I felt there should have been more both before and after. But in the end, that's the charm of the film. You're thrown into it, and before you know it it's over and you're left wondering what the hell just happened. I recomend this one. Really recomend it!