Four Dogs Playing Poker
Four Dogs Playing Poker
| 06 June 2000 (USA)
Four Dogs Playing Poker Trailers

With the help of their mentor Felix, a group of the best friends and first-time thieves steal a valuable statuette for a ruthless black market art dealer. After the amateurs botch the delivery of the objet d'art, the dealer kills Felix and forces the remaining four to "find" $1 million within a week's time or face certain death.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mack-royal murky and not terribly clever. Tim Curry and Forrest Whitaker couldn't save it. With a world full of movies to choose from... despite the alluring title... don't bother Now the silly IMDb program is telling me I need ten lines or my review won't appear. Isn't THAT special. Not only that I can't use junk words. Back to the movies. It is not a very good movie. Your time is better spent elsewhere. IMDb. I'm in IMDb. That should tell you something. Ever since it became dead cheap and technically EASY to make a movie, all sorts of trash has turned up.So, get your friends, get a camera and have at it. Your efforts will probably be a lot sadder than Four Dogs Playing Go Fish. It is not easy to make a good movie. Believe me. It's not even easy to write a good, short review and leave it at that. Such is life. Reminds me, Ned Kelly with Orlando Bloom and whatsisname was great. He's barely dead and already I can't remember Heath Ledger's name. Also, see him in Casanova.. really good.
ruud-35 I bought this DVD for 2 euro 90 at a gas station. So my expectations where not that high. When i buy a movie like this with some famous actors, I don't expect it to be good, but you never know. Am i watching a mistake of a famous actor. I really love Forest Whittaker, and after watching the movie nothing is changed about that. He probably red the script and saw the possibilities. Anyway Looking from this angle, i always expect to stop halfway the DVD and continue doing something else. Because the price was so cheap, that there would be no other option than a bad movie This movie is indeed not fantastic, the acting is poor and over the top, but it is a movie which keeps you watching. In fact i felt some fear watching the end. So my 2 euro 90 where well spent. But i do agree that the end result could have been much better. Intriguing movie, not very well done, but amusing and worth watching! I still try to understand if i understood the whole movie. But who cares for 2 euro 90
ntsci Previous comments seem to be either one of extreme hate or pleasure. I find the extremes fascinating. I think this movie was average. Not great, but worthwhile watching. One that you need to watch twice to get the point. I found no part of it boring. The use of poker in the title has to do with the bluffing, faking, lying and not showing all of ones cards. On the whole it is much better in terms of the story than most action films.If plots making sense was a requirement for a good movie, then I guess there are very very few movies worth watching. The plot for example of Master and Commander, a movie I really enjoyed, was based on an absurd disregard for the navel power situation in 1805 wherein Britian had obtained complete mastery over the oceans (e.g., Battle of the Nile, 1803). So why should we attack Four Dogs for a gimmicky premise. Name a movie that doesn't involve some gimmick or suspension of disbelief to get the ball rolling.To me the only unexplained part is why the bad guy wants a million from them, but that might also be part of the double crossing.In Four Dogs, the fact that so called friends agree so easily to kill one another was one of the points -- their friendship wasn't worth a half million. It must also be kept in mind that they were being manipulating into agreeing with the idea and it was done so subtly that it is not until you see the movie for the second time that you can see the manipulations that are going one. There's actually a lot of subtly in the movie. But also notice how several members of the group were all prepared to double cross the rest. The main double crosser however did give at least one of them a chance. It is very doubtful that the insurance scam idea would work, but the main characters didn't clue into the main problem with it -- back dating the payments on the policies -- thats a whole lotta fraud. But its a mute point, there is never any mention at the end of the film about cashing the policies in! Suggesting that the whole insurance scam was part of the doublecrossing plots and a bluff. It isn't important how fast the money will be paid out, whats important is that they players in this high stakes game, think that cashing in the policy on one of them, will save the rest.The fact that the ships crew had a Mexican accent (I'm assuming that the Argentinian commentator meant accent, not language, cause the language is the same), isn't that surprising since the ship has an English name and is headed toward Los Angeles (home of a very large Mexican population) -- so its more likely to have a Mexican speaking crew than an Argentinian crew.The whys or practicalities of the movies aren't really the main issues. The most interesting part of the movie is the crisis, the cut throat solution they come up with, how they are manipulated into the solution, and how the solution unravels (as planned).There a very interesting thing going on when one of the characters asks another if he could really kill her.
coffeejazzcat I just don't think the people who "sat on the edge of their seats with sweating palms" saw the same movie I did.The worst part about this movie? The acting! Yelling and throwing things just don't cut it. The characters were as thin as the paper their script was written on.Tim Curry could have phoned in his performance. And Forrest Whittaker's talent was wasted here. Ah, well, everybody needs a little extra "ching" now and again, I guess.WARNING! SPOILER!When the lady falls off the fire escape ladder I actually laughed! That was the worst "action" scene I've ever witnessed.Don't waste your time or money on this movie.
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