G | 19 May 1960 (USA)
Pollyanna Trailers

A young girl comes to an embittered town and confronts its attitude with her determination to see the best in life.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Gideon24 The Disney Studios scored a bullseye with their 1960 classic Pollyanna, a lavishly mounted film adaptation of the famed novel by Eleanor H. Porter, about a young girl's arrival in a small turn of the century community, practically owned by her iron-fisted aunt, and her effect on her aunt and on the community as a whole.Hayley Mills is enchanting, as usual, as "the glad girl", a child whose eternal optimism seems to rub off on everyone she comes in contact with, except with her own Aunt Polly and it is the slow burn of the relationship between these two and Pollyanna's eventual melting of her aunt's icy exterior, that makes this wholesome family film a worthwhile experience.Mills received surprisingly solid support from Jane Wyman, an actress who usually played good girls, as Polly's emotionally distant Aunt Polly, Richard Egan as the town doctor, who has always been attracted to Polly, but has always been kept at arm's length by the woman, Karl Malden as the Reverend, and Nancy Olson as Polly's housekeeper.David Swift's simple but direct screenplay, his spirited direction, and expensive production values are the final touches to a family classic that still holds up pretty well.
lasttimeisaw A Disney's vintage live action mounted with magnificent Technicolor treatment, running more than 2 hours, POLLYANNA is a life-affirming fairytale directed by old-hand writer David Swift as his feature debut, while accidental tragedy sweeps under its carpet.A young girl named Pollyanna (Mills), who has lost her parents and is adopted by her aunt Polly (Wyman) in Harrington's Town, where she is not just a prim wealthy matriarch, but also the mighty decision-maker of the whole town, yes, she is the sole heiress of Harrington family. So up from the mayor Karl (Crisp), the minister Paul Ford (Malden), down to her house staff, assistant Nancy (Olson), cook Tillie (Shaw) and maid Angelica (Canfield), everyone is either intimidated by her supremacy or surrendered to the vested interest involved.Therefore, Pollyanna's arrival is destined to break the unhealthy equilibrium and bring her ingenuously sanguine school of thought into the town by winning over everyone! It will hardly work in an authentically cynical world, but thankfully it is in Disneyland, the stranger- shunning recluse Mr. Pendergast (Menjou in his final silver screen presence) is actually a Mr. Nice Guy, and the cantankerous bed-ridden Mrs. Snow (Moorehead, shines in her scene-stealing bellyaching) is no more than a big baby just needs a little bit of motivation. Even Reverend Ford can be generously granted a thorough catharsis through Pollyanna's seemingly unintentional chit-chat. The point is in Harrington's Town, there is no evil, even for Aunt Polly, she is never malevolent, in fact she is just shackled by her self-appointed lofty duty to act as a role model for the townsfolk, as discreetly as possible. Her strong intention to maintain the ancient orphanage is more for the building's legacy other than her own sake, albeit a better solution is to build a new one. So, things can have been tread lightheartedly until DP Russell Harlan's ominous overlooking shots raise no less fear for agoraphobic than Hitchcock's VERTIGO (1958, 8/10), also amps up the suspense is Paul J. Smith's ferociously taut accompanying score which in most of time is as jolly as a bumblebee in the spring. For those who haven't read the novel from Eleanor H. Porter (me included), it is a shocking twist, and in one second, we may even believe we will lose her forever, only if it was true, the film would be worshiped for its groundbreaking bravura and gutsy dare to defy Disney's family-friendly quintessence. Although it turns out to be a bluff, the movie is excellent in at least tricking me into believe it even for a split second. Hayley Mills won a Juvenile Award in the Oscars, which in my opinion, the Academy should keep it aside from the usual acting branch (in that case we could have avoided the glaring category fraud cases such as Hailee Seinfeld and Tatum O'Neal), Mills is quite distinctive from other cherubic child sensations, she is neither a pretty doll nor a resplendent princess, she is plainly approachable, Mills illuminates the screen with her refined line-delivery and urgent sincerity without ever over-acting or dumbing down to memories by rote. Jane Wyman also establishes a powerhouse omnipresence in her absolute wheelhouse, never flaunts in the abysmally ambiguous "villain" categorization where she is, her aunt Polly is a victim of overpriced dignity, she enriches her with every bit of nuance which may not in the script. Most supporting characters are cartoon-ish, Richard Egan is quite a dull as Dr. Chilton and Nancy Olson is unprecedentedly harsh at the beginning, but Karl Malden's hectoring Sunday sermon is very amazing to watch and not to go deep into religion, people are either too devout or put-upon to hear it for three years, still is not long enough to brainwash their simpleton minds.
misctidsandbits It's a film that brings you into the setting with the players. It's fun being in the kitchen with the irascible cook, both before and after her transformation. Didn't you enjoy running around with Nancy as she sneaks her kisses with her handsome beau - James Drury (sigh). What a relief when Pollyanna relieves the tension (just by being a natural girl behind the palm, etc.) at the town meeting and other occasions when Auntie is being her typical unbendable stick in the mud. Pollyanna's eye popping reaction to the brimstone sermon helps out there as well. Now for something really different ... Somehow, thought of "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers" - the situation in reverse. In "Ivers," the niece goes the other way with an arbitrary aunt - very much the other way. She makes the very worst of the situation. Pollyanna's way is much more powerful. Both positive and negative attitudes are contagious. There is a draw in both cases. In Pollyanna, you are drawn up, and people come back for that.
kyle-cruse "Pollyanna" is one of the best films I have seen lately. As in "The Parent Trap," Hayley Mills does an amazing job with her appealing role, for which she won a special Academy Award. Mills plays Pollyanna, an orphan child who comes to a small town to live with her Aunt Polly and ends up reforming and changing the lives of the people of the town. It may sound predictable, and to a point it is, but it is the way in which the story is presented that makes it so good. So many of the scenes in this film are so well done, including Pollyanna bringing joy to a crabby old woman dying in bed, causing the local reverend (Karl Malden) to look for the good in people, and changing the attitudes of the servants in her own household. Consider who these people are at the beginning of the film and who they are by the end and you're bound to find this movie very moving. I admit that I was worried about how this film would end. It looked like it was going to be depressing after all we had been hoping for. Nevertheless, the ending scene is one of the most brilliant I have ever seen, and without giving it away, I have to warn you that it will touch you and bring tears to your eyes no matter who you are. What a great film that touches and inspires. One of Disney's all-time best live action movies.***1/2 out of ****